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Hey all!

Firstly, I wanted to make a quick announcement and mention that the frequency in which I publish new chapters will be changing! I started writing this story last year and had a good amount of chapters completed before I even started posting, but now we're getting to the point where I'm going to be actively writing new chapters. I'm aiming to still post at least once a week, so don't worry! I'm not abandoning the story, just trying to give myself the time I need to bring this vision to life.

I can't believe we're already 20 chapters in! If you've made it this far, I really appreciate you sticking with it!  I have so much more in store and I can't wait for you to see the twists and turns this story will be taking in the coming chapters!

There should be a new chapter up within the next couple days.

Since we've made it to 20 chapters I wanted to do something fun! I thought it would be cute to do a little profile on some of my original characters to get to know them better. So, here you go!


Theda Desmond

Birth date/Age: March 14, 1963/29 years old

Place of birth: Salem, MA

Eye color: Black

Skin color: Brown/olive complexion 

Hair: Dark brown /Short curly bob

Height: 5'1"

Body type: Curvy/mid-size

Orientation: Straight/demisexual

Blood Status: Unknown

Personality type: INFP, 4w5 (Enneagram)

Posture/Gait: Slightly pigeon-toed, never knows what to do with her hands

Tattoos: Stylized crescent moon on the back of her neck, fern leaves beneath her collarbones, thestral and teapot with oranges on her left and right calves, respectively. All of these are usually hidden by her clothes.

Other distinguishing features: Cluster of freckles across the bridge of her nose

Fashion style: Vintage - inspired by everything between the Victorian era and 1930s Hollywood. She's very expressive with her clothing choices and wears a lot of deep blues, emerald green, ruby red, and gold

Accessories: Green silk bag, two gold noserings on right nostril, many gold earrings, merlot-colored lipstick

Mannerisms: Fixing her eyebrows with her fingers, playing with her nosering when she's thinking

Boggart: Two faceless nurses approaching her with a straightjacket 

Patronus: Walrus

Amortentia smell: Cloves, old books, a freshly blown out candle wick

Wand type: Cherry wood, unicorn hair core, 12 inches, supple

Favorite spell: Reparo (solely because she needs this one a lot)

Favorite magical creature: Demiguise

Least favorite magical creature: Lethifold

Secondary Hogwarts house: Slytherin

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