Chapter 18: Elf-Made Wine

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Severus arrived at Theda's chambers at 8:00 sharp, after a quick attempt to freshen himself up a bit. When she opened the door he was struck by how beautiful she looked. He had always thought she was attractive, but it was clear she'd made a special effort for the occasion.

"You smell nice." She said, releasing him from a quick hug.

"Oh, umm... So do you." He said awkwardly.

As she led him into the dining area he noticed that the room was more dimly lit than usual, the crackling fireplace the only light source, which helped to put him at ease.

"I forgot to ask what sides you'd want me to make, so I made a few different things. The steaks are almost done so we can start with the salad and then when they're ready I'll serve them with the rolls and potatoes."

"You went to so much trouble..." He said, feeling guilty.

"Only because I wanted to." She smiled, setting the table. "I'm sure it's been a while since you had a nice home-cooked dinner."

"Umm... I don't think I ever have, to be honest."

"Never? Your parents never cooked for you?"

He scoffed as if it was a ridiculous notion.

"Never." He said sternly.

"Well then, I'm glad I went to the trouble." She said, smiling sympathetically. "Would you like something to drink? I have firewhisky, gillywater, elf-made wine..."

"Wine would be nice."

"I'll pour us some. Why don't you have a seat?" She said, gesturing towards the table.

"I feel like I should have brought something," He said, shifting nervously in his seat.

"Don't be silly. You're my guest."

"Don't guests customarily bring something as a token of their appreciation?"

"Well, I suppose, but... Either way, don't worry about it. Your company is enough." She said, handing him a glass of wine.

An awkward silence passed between them before Severus spoke up.

"I know you said there was no occasion, but... if I'm being honest it does seem that this wasn't just an excuse to practice your cooking... "

Theda was silent for a moment before responding.

"Well, I suppose I may have had other motives... Between the attacks, finals, occlumency training, and everything else, we've both been under a tremendous amount of emotional strain recently. To be honest, I thought perhaps we could both use a night of good food, good company, and nothing else to worry about."

Severus nodded, still unsure of her true motives but willing to let it go for now.

Theda brought the food to the table, already perfectly plated, and laid it in front of him.

"This all looks amazing. Thank you for doing this."

She gave him a small nod, waiting for him to try his dinner. Once he did, he raised his eyebrows in surprise at how good it all tasted, silently showing his approval. The two sat in silence as they ate, neither sure what to say. It was not uncommon for them to share in a comfortable silence during their dinners, but this was different. There was a distinct tension between the two of them that could be physically felt by them both. Theda seemed unusually agitated, refilling her wineglass often enough to imply that she was working up her courage for something.

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