Chapter 17: Dueling Club

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November came and went, which meant the holidays were fast approaching. This was exactly the kind of cheerful distraction both the students and staff desperately needed after another petrified victim had been discovered a few weeks prior; a first-year student named Colin Creevey. This one had been particularly hard on Theda, not only because it was a student rather than a cat, but also because the boy was such a lover of photography that he had been mid-shot when he was attacked.

Minerva hadn't forgotten the supposed dueling club Severus and Gilderoy had claimed to be starting, and as the need for one was becoming more and more apparent they had no choice but to actually make the arrangements.

"You are planning on attending, aren't you?" Severus asked Theda as they were having breakfast in the Great Hall.

"Why would I? I'm quite capable of defending myself."

"I know that." He said as he rolled his eyes. "I wasn't suggesting you come to learn. I was hoping you could be there to help with the students. You know, making sure they pay attention, pairing them up, giving one-on-one instruction, that kind of thing."

"Nice try, Severus. I know what you're really hoping for. You want me to come just so you don't have to be alone with Gilderoy." She said, smiling wickedly.

"I'm not going to be alone with Gilderoy. The students will be there."

"Ahh, yes, and what a comfort that'll be for you."

Severus looked as though he was about to make a snide retort when Minerva interrupted them.

"Severus, are we still on for this evening?" She asked excitedly. "You haven't forgotten, have you?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten." He said as he made no attempt to hide his annoyance. "Yes, we're still on."

"Excellent, excellent!" Said Minerva.

"And Miss Desmond will be there to assist," Severus said casually as he took a sip of tea, ignoring Theda's angered expression.

"Oh, Miss Desmond, that's very good of you! I appreciate you volunteering your time!"

"Of course." She said, trying to mask her annoyance with a polite smile.

"What the hell, Severus?" She demanded as she smacked his upper arm as soon as Minerva was out of earshot with the folded-up newspaper she'd been reading.

"It's partially your fault I'm in this mess, so it's only fair that you be forced to suffer with me."

"How is it partially my fault!? You told me where to meet you, and because you weren't there on time I got cornered by Gilderoy!"

"The details are irrelevant." He said, which Theda took to mean that he knew she was right. "Plus, it doesn't matter now. You've told Minerva you'll go."

"Fine, fine. But you owe me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." He said as he got up to leave. Before she had a chance to repeat herself he left her with a playful "See you at 5:00."


"Morning, everyone!" Theda said warmly to her class. "Last week I told you all I wanted you to do some research about historic witches and wizards who graduated from your respective houses. I thought we could use today to get a head start on your reports, which will be due on Friday. This is the last homework assignment before the holiday break, and, if done well, might be enough to raise your grades by a whole letter, so I want you all to really make it count. Does everyone have a witch or wizard they'd like to focus on?"

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