Chapter 12: Ghosts of the Past

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"Ahh, Severus." Said Dumbledore, taking a seat in Theda's vacant chair as Severus was eating breakfast. "There you are. I've been hoping I'd get a chance to speak to you."

"Yes, Headmaster?"

"It's about Miss Desmond. Do you have any idea where I might find her? I wanted to ask all the staff to join me in my office this afternoon for a brief meeting."

"She's gone to Paris for the weekend. She should be back this evening."

"Paris, you say? Whatever for?"

"It's a long story, Headmaster. She's gone to the Ministry to attend to a personal matter."

"Ahh, well, very good. I can brief her tomorrow if she's not back by the afternoon." He said, seeming lost in thought. "You know, it seems you're the only one she told of her plans. The two of you seem to be becoming good friends." Dumbledore said, peering at Severus over the rim of his half-moon spectacles.

"Yes, I suppose we're... friendly with one another."

"Excellent. Then you wouldn't mind letting her sit in on a couple of your classes, would you?"

"For what purpose?"

"Well, this is her first year teaching, and as her classes are so small this term I thought it would be good for her to get some practice working with a larger class. Are you aware of her... unique condition?"

Severus was surprised by this revelation. He had assumed he was the only one Theda had told, and he felt a little hurt knowing she had confided in someone else as well, even if it was Dumbledore.

"I believe I know of what you speak, Headmaster."

"Then you'll appreciate how important it is that she gains some experience adjusting to larger groups of students. I'd like to ease her into it so that she's not overwhelmed if her class sizes increase next term. I was thinking perhaps she could sit in on your classes once a week for the time being? I trust you'll be able to coordinate amongst yourselves."

Severus paused for a moment. He'd never had another teacher sit in on his lessons before, and he wasn't sure he liked the idea. Couldn't she sit in on someone else's class?

"Very well." He begrudgingly agreed.

"I know you prefer to work alone, Severus, but I hear she has quite a knack for potions. I don't think she'll be a nuisance."

"I'll work out the logistics with her when she returns." He said, looking mildly annoyed.

"Thank you, Severus."

Dumbledore rose from Theda's chair.

"You know, I can't remember the last time I spent a weekend in France." He said dreamily. "Paris... the city of lovers... That takes me back." He seemed to lose himself in a memory for a moment before continuing. "Perhaps you should have gone with her."

Severus nearly spit out his tea.

"Why on earth would I do that?" He asked in astonishment.

"Well, Paris is a lovely city, she's a lovely girl... And she seems quite taken with you."

"Hah!" He scoffed. "I think you're mistaken."

"Well, she certainly seems to enjoy your company. I think that's a fair assessment."

Severus said nothing, taking another sip of his tea.

"And you really should take a weekend off from time to time, Severus. You're long overdue for a nice holiday. In the meantime, I'll see you in my office at 1:00 for the staff meeting."

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