Chapter 13: Deathcap Draught

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Over the next few days, Severus continued to avoid Theda, which she was still trying not to take personally, although it was becoming increasingly difficult as the end of the week was drawing closer. In the last five days, they had barely spoken a word to each other. Severus had told her at breakfast the day after she returned that Dumbledore wanted her to sit in on his classes once a week, and they had agreed that they'd start on Friday. She hadn't seen him since, as he'd been skipping every meal and she'd been met with a "do not disturb" sign on his door every time she'd been to check on him.

It was Friday now, and she was feeling anxious about joining him in his class. She arrived a few minutes early, hoping to clear the air, but to her surprise, he wasn't in the classroom. Soon students started filing in and taking their seats, and Severus was still nowhere to be seen.

"Miss Desmond? Are you teaching us today?" Neville asked excitedly as he saw her standing at the front of the class.

"Not quite, Mr. Longbottom." She said, smiling. "I'm here to assist Professor Snape, although I'm not sure where he—"

Just then the door slammed open as Severus came charging through. Without so much as a glance in her direction, he began the class immediately.

"Today we will be making a very simple death cap draught even the most hopeless of you should be able to manage, provided you follow my instructions with the utmost attention to detail."

He shot an accusatory look at Neville Longbottom who sunk into his chair.

"If the name has led you to assume that this is a highly poisonous potion, you'd be correct."

Neville gulped.

"The primary function of this potion, however, is to keep unwanted pests at bay. Spiders, mice, and so on. Typically, one would apply a small amount onto doorways and windowsills with a wire brush, making absolutely sure not to let it come into contact with one's skin as it is extremely corrosive. Do you think you can handle this, Mr. Longbottom, or shall I send for Madame Pomfrey? Perhaps if she leaves now she can make it in time to save at least one of your limbs."

"I-I can handle it, P-Professor Snape." Neville nodded his head unconvincingly.

"You will find the instructions on page 78. You have all been provided with gloves. Do not allow any of the ingredients to come into contact with your skin. If you need assistance you may ask Professor Desmond or myself."

Despite having said this, he immediately went into his office and shut the door. The students did as they were told, meticulously reading the instructions before proceeding with the potion. Everyone except Neville, whom Theda quickly sensed was paralyzed with anxiety.

"Everything alright, Mr. Longbottom?" Theda asked in a reassuring voice.

"I don't know where to start. It all feels like too much."

Theda sighed, relating to this sentiment more than he could know. She looked around the room at the sea of students, feeling a little overwhelmed and hurt that Severus had left her to manage them all on her own despite having known how it affected her.

I-I don't want to make a mistake." He said nervously.

"Calm down, Neville. Let's walk through it together, okay? Now, I believe you've learned a bit about death caps in Herbology, yes?"

"A bit." He said. "They're a mushroom commonly found around the UK and Europe. Th-they tend to grow in clusters near the bases of broadleaf trees."

"That's very good, Neville, but let's try to focus only on what's relevant to the potion. The important thing to remember is that death caps are highly toxic. Even touching them with your hands is dangerous, so let's start by putting on those gloves Professor Snape gave you."

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