Chapter 14: Training

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Severus stood in his doorway for several minutes, still processing. A few minutes ago they had been fighting, and now he was savoring the tingling sensation left behind from where she had kissed his cheek. How was she able to forgive so easily? And what had she meant by that kiss? Perhaps it was nothing more than a friendly gesture, but perhaps, he thought, there was a chance...

He felt the guilt slowly begin to seep back into his mind.

"I'm sorry, Lily."

The week he'd endured without the pleasure of Theda's company had been almost unbearable. Each night had been spent agonizing over the constant flow of daydreams of Theda followed by a stream of apologies to Lily. Many shameful memories that he'd repressed from his younger years had started resurfacing as his internal conflict grew more and more torturous.

He really had made an honest effort to put Theda out of his mind. Despite how unhappy it made him, he had tried his best to deny her. Even so, he realized now that it was already too late. Theda had made it clear that she was in his life to stay, and Severus knew it would be pointless to try to avoid her now. They were friends, and there was no going back.

And now, after that kiss on the cheek, Severus allowed himself to believe that she might even share his feelings. That theory, however, was not one he had much faith in; in all his 33 years of living, no woman had ever expressed any romantic interest in him. Still, as far-fetched as it seemed, it felt good to allow a small part of himself to hope that maybe this time things would be different.

That being said, he was still conflicted. He did not want his feelings for Theda to distract him from what was most important - protecting Harry, for Lily's sake. Still, one thing was for certain: he couldn't lie to himself about his feelings anymore.


The next morning before class Severus sent Theda an owl bearing a letter that read:

"Miss Desmond,
I think we should have our first training session tonight if you're still interested in my assistance. I still need to hear about what you learned in Paris. Meet me in the Entrance Hall after your last class.


When the school day was over, he was on his way to meet her when he caught sight of Gilderoy advancing on her as she was waiting in the hall.

"There she is, the saucy little minx!" Gilderoy said in Theda's ear, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "Do you know how long I've been trying to get you alone?"

"Gilderoy?! What are you— Where did you—"

"Hands off, Gilderoy." Came a startlingly stern voice.

"Ahh, Professor Snape. Theda and I were just—"

"I know exactly what Miss Desmond was doing. As it so happens, she was waiting for me. What, may I ask, has given you the impression that your advances were welcomed?" He asked as he released her from Gilderoy's arms with a wave of his wand.

"That would be between Theda and me."

"Is that so? Miss Desmond, were you hoping to meet Gilderoy here?"

"You know I wasn't."

"There you have it," Severus said plainly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I admit I may have sprung this particular encounter on her." He said nonchalantly. "Where are my manners? Theda, would you care to join me for a round of drinks this evening?"

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