25: The Secret Mission

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"Harry... this is just wonderful!"

Harry sighed in relieve. "I'm glad you like it, I mean it isn't that big but-"

Louis placed a finger to his boyfriend's lips. "Shush it, this is just perfect."

Harry scratched the back of his neck, not knowing if what he was about to say next was the best at the moment. "I also designed the couch and things like that myself so you know... could be independent a bit?" It sounded more like a question, but a smile appeared on his lips when Louis sweetly smiled at him.

"I appreciate that, babe," his voice was soft, a glint of sadness in his eyes at the thought of not knowing if he would ever walk again.

Harry noticed it and crouched down in front of the wheelchair. "We will go through this together and we'll make it. I don't care if you will be in this wheelchair for the rest of your life, I will be there every step of the way and carry you around everywhere and never love you less because of all that happened."

Louis closed his eyes, tears rolling down his pink cheeks as he pulled Harry in for a hug. "Thank you," he said, not knowing what else there was to say.

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."


The next weeks they chilled in the house, met up with the boys and followed classes online.

The house was now decorated after they had gone shopping together, Louis not feeling comfortable as many people stared at him, like he was the only person on earth who was wheeling around and stuck in that damn chair.

Harry took him to the doctors twice a week and people came to the house to help the boy with his movement, to try and keep the muscles active.

"I hate the cast, damn itchy," Louis pouted as they were eating dinner, some spaghetti he had cooked himself half an hour ago.

"I know babe, but you did well making dinner, think I would already have given up knowing how clumsy I am, even without a cast."

They both laughed and chatted some more. Louis loved that about Harry, always lighting up the mood and making stupid jokes, praising him for simple things, loving him just the same and importantly, not treating him any differently.

Louis rolled his eyes as Harry lifted him up in bridal style after they had washed the dishes together, a routine they had created over the past weeks.

Harry loved to carry Louis around, even before the accident and knew Louis secretly loved it as well, a win-win if you ask them.

More days passed by and they kind of got used to the new routines. Louis had a bit of a hard time adjusting and often found himself frustrated, but that was normal and more than alright.

Harry had quit his job recently as well, because many people had found out about their relationship after the accident and Harry knew he would always choose Louis, just like Louis would choose Harry over any job.

"I still feel a bit guilty about you having to quit your job, I know you love teaching," Louis admitted, the both of them being at Liam and Niall's dorm, Liam moving in with Niall once Louis had left.

"Not needed babe, will find another job, I've been looking online at some applications and I'm sure I will have a job soon enough again." He kissed Louis' forehead, reassuring him it was alright.

Niall was zapping channels on the tv, joining in on the conversation. "It's weird not having you here, but I'm glad you're alright, you know?"

Louis nodded. "I think I really was too focussed on dancing and forget to enjoy life at the fullest, so it opened my eyes in a way, but I wish I was able to dance and work and provide for hazz and I as well as my mumma and the kiddo's."

Liam handed him the glass of water that had been standing at the table. "We will figure it all out, maybe we can help you learn some tricks with that wheeler," he winked, happy once noticing Louis cracked a smile hearing that.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "And don't even worry about money and stuff, we will look and see what we can do for your mother and what I can do to continue to spoil you rotten."

He ruffled through Louis his hair, Louis kissing his dimple as he smiled. "I have a feeling it will be alright, but it still feels weird, I imagined life to be so different than what it is now, but it's good because I'm with you and we're all alive and well."

"And you moved your leg today!" Harry jumped in, the other boys fish mouthing. "Really? That's amazing!"

Louis proudly nodded and showed them all the progress, small but good steps.

"Zee wanted to take me for a walk tomorrow, gonna scare the shit out of him when he sees that."

All the boys laughed as Louis suddenly went silent as he watched his beautiful boyfriend, imagining making him his husband and being able to walk to the altar.

He smiled and glanced at Harry, who was looking at him with a wide grin, the familiar dimples bringing him at ease.

He knew what his next goal was, and boy was he gonna fight to accomplish it.

Mission impossible? We shall see about that, gonna prove all the people who didn't believe wrong, and make Harry smile even more even though Harry would never force him to, he wanted to and was going to...


Hi lovelies!

Is it me or does it seem like wattpad is so... not active at the moment?

People are unfollowing me (which is fine I mean I don't know why and I don't write for the amount of followers but still...) and notifications are getting less by the day :(

I really love talking to ya'll in the comments and kinda miss it haha

Well, I will continue writing and publishing, so cya hopefully soon at my next chapter!


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