17: Exclusive Solo's and Cuddles

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"Hello class, it's been two weeks since you five were selected to be in our class and will compete for titles at nationals." Harry started explaining the basics, rules, routines and times of practice and so on, a even more time consuming one then there had been at the academy...

Louis listened closely, of course standing next to Liam and Niall, who were on his left and right.

"The group routine for next week at nationals will be called 'fly like me', inspired by the movie that came out a month ago," Zayn started, walking to the mirror where pictures were hanging of all of them.

"At the bottom of the pyramid, Ashton and Liam. Your turns were great, but I need to see some better technic." Liam nodded and sighed, his injury from back in the days didn't do him anything good.

"Next we got... Niall and Louis. You two had a great timing, both had a great warming up, but for the first performance I want to have the one and only girl at the top, Brooke. Harry and I want to see how this will work out as a group, we will look at you individually as well but for now this is it, lets go practice!"

Louis was a bit upset he wasn't at the top, but it was a valid point of Zayn, a girl with four boys behind her could maybe get a first or second place at the first dance at nationals.

"But wait!" Harry stepped forward, just as everyone was taking position.

"We also want to give someone a solo for next week, more chance at winning with a great dancer will probably give us motivation, and I wouldn't want to miss a opportunity to see Louis dance."

Louis's eyes widened, he was getting a solo?!

Harry nodded at him as to confirm and Louis thanked both Zayn and Harry, Liam and Niall giving him a quick hug.

The next four hours they stretched, did a warming up and started learning the new dance.

He noticed Ashton looking at him a lot, but not with a smile, more with a look of.. jealousy?

He shrugged it off, he couldn't get distracted, not now.

Once class was over the three best friends went to Starbucks, celebrating the fact they had a good place at the pyramide, and of course Louis his solo!

"Harry looked so proud, you must be so excited for the first solo!" Liam shot him a big grin, taking a sip of his coffee.

Louis rested his hands on the table, yawning. "I love to see him happy, but he wears me out like crazy."

Once he said that Liam and Niall chuckled and he groaned. "That's not what I meant." His cheeks were a light tint of pink now.

"We know, but we love to tease you." Niall took a bite of his muffin. "What do ya think of those newbies, Brooke and Ashton?"

Liam shrugged and ran a hand through his messed up, sweaty hair.

"I think we can make a great team, but I haven't seem them dance often."

Louis agreed. "Did you notice how Ashton looked at me the whole time? Like he was jealous of me or something."

Niall finished his muffin and stood up. "I would be jealous of your skills too if it wasn't for the fact that you're my best friend." Louis chuckled, Niall really was something else.

"Shall we go lads? I'm so ready to take a nap." Niall and Louis agreed and they walked to campus together before separating ways, Liam sleeping over at Niall's, who felt a bit lonely now that Louis was sleeping over at Harry's a lot.

"Hey hazz." Louis greeted his boyfriend, stepping into the dorm without even asking to come in.

Harry was sitting on the couch, reading a book about dance, of course

"Hello love, how's you? Had fun with Liam and Niall?" Harry spread his arms, inviting Louis to sit on his lap.

Louis wrapped his arms around the curly haired boy. "Was great, always fun with those two, we're all so tired though." Harry chuckled, Louis feeling his chest fibrating.

"That's a good sign, you will experience that a lot more often from now on, but I know you can handle it." Louis hummed against his boyfriend's neck.

"You gave me the solo didn't you?" He asked, wondering if it was Zayn's or Harry's idea.

"I suggested it and Zayn agreed, you're such a good dancer, as well as a great boyfriend." Louis smiled into his shirt, smelling Harry's expensive perfume, which oddly made him relax.

"So are you." Louis mumbled, almost falling asleep on the spot.

"Go to sleep, love. You did amazing today, I will be there when you wake up."

And with that Louis let himself fall into a peaceful slumber, exhaustion taking over, falling asleep in Harry's strong arms.

By any means, I don't want to insult anyone by saying this but this was so hella based on 'dance moms' lmaoo like Abby is Hayes, Louis is Maddie iykyk hahah thought it was fun to include it you know? Anyone watching ALDC performances and drama? I have such a mood for it at the moment haha.

The other stories will be updated soon! No school for me upcoming Wednesday and Thursday so we all know what that means, more chappy's! 

Can I get a yay? YAY.... LOUDER!.... YAYYY


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