18: Make It Or Break It

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The group routine was for real a pain in da ass if you'd ask Louis.

Zayn and Harry were stern and didn't take bullshit, which was understandable, but it took a toll on all five.

Louis was dancing a lot more than the rest as well, having to perform a solo at nationals as well as the normal routine.

Tonight they would fly to LA where nationals was being held, everyone was nervous but had to put that aside, they needed to focus on the dance in order to make a chance at winning.

"Hey Lou, how's it going?" Ashton waved and went over to him.

'Ah shit,' Louis thought, mentally rolling his eyes. Ashton had continued being weird since the day they heard about the group routine and Louis his solo.

"I'm fine," he stated, trying to ignore the fact that weird ass boy had just called him 'lou'.

"So.. I saw you looking at Harry, you got a crush on him? That could honestly put a end to your career, don't you think?"

Louis' eyes widened but he quickly stopped himself from gasping. "Not that it is any of your business, but I don't? Why do you even assume such a ridiculous thing?" Ashton seemed to question his words.

He tapped his finger on his other arm. "You're a great dancer, I must admit that, however..." he was silent for a second.

"You won't win, I will make sure of that, Brooke and I should win, not a loser like you, you're no good for this team." Louis narrowed his eyes, what was this boy thinking?!

"Your actions should speak louder then your words, it would be very low of you to start rumors instead of competing fairly."

Ashton just laughed, but suddenly stopped smiling.

Louis was confused until he noticed Zayn standing next to them. "Everything alright boys?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Louis.

Ashton wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Ah of course, lou and I were just talking about tomorrow, we gonna smash it!" With that he walked away, not looking back once as he left the room.

"Gonna smash you in the face," Louis muttered, Zayn looking at him curiously.

"What happened?" Harry had now joined the two of them, apparently he had been watching the conversation from a distance.

Louis told them what happend and Harry's knuckled went white. "Who the fuck does he think he is?!"

Zayn shook his head. "Harry stay calm, we gotta worry about the fact he knows about you two, we should focus on that but I don't get it, how does he know? Or even suspect."

Louis bit his lip as he took a step closer to Harry, wanting to be close to him and just hear that everything would be alright.

"Maybe they wanted to get me in trouble and stalked us? It's the only thing I can think of, Liam and Niall would never tell something like that to others."

The other two nodded at that. "Yeah, I think we should focus on tomorrow and figure this out later and keep a close eye out, maybe it's a good idea to sleep at Niall's tonight?" Once Harry said that Louis did actually gasp this time.

"What?! We can stay on the low by doing things different, but does it have to mean that we need to sleep apart like a divorced couple?!"

Harry looked at his shoes, tears pricking in his eyes. "I don't want to Louis, believe me, its just- we both can't afford to lose this career and-"

"Screw you, Harry!"

Zayn had by now dismissed the class, no one needing to know about this conversation.

"I was a fool to even think you could put me before your career! Where is that Harry that would do anything to get close to me when I pushed you away?! And now you're ready to let me go, just when you got me, when we're at a point things are going amazing?!"

Harry took a step towards him, now standing in front of him. "Love, isn't like that! I just- don't know what to do!"

Louis was furious at this point. "Well apparently you do, suggesting we sleep apart tonight after a brat told me one stupid comment to threaten us?!"

Harry looked defeated and lost at words, not knowing what to say, he just wanted to make things right and cuddle with Louis, but Louis wasn't having any of it.

"Well?" Louis sneered, receiving no reply from a stunned Harry.

"I know enough." Was all Louis said before turning around and leaving the room.

"Wait!" Harry yelled after him, almost pleading him to stay, beg if he had to.

"Go fuck yourself tonight, Harry!" And with that, the door was slammed shut, leaving behind a stunned Zayn and a sad, heartbroken Harry...

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