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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 16 is here~! This is Valentine's chapter part 1~ since V-day is coming up~ So to all those lovely couples in the world, please love one another, and stay happy~ I'm a single pringle and that's okay don't need someone to be happy ^^ I bought myself a cute small teddy bear with candy~ If ya'll want to see it let me know I'll take a picture of it~ I named him Fredbear after our Freddy Fazbear himself lol Since he's a brownish color. Enjoy~


I was nervous, I was thinking of ideas...what would my twins like!? Sunny loves glitter glue and enjoys placing cute Hello Kitty stickers on himself or on...other things. Moony, well I don't know what he likes! I was frustrated I confessed to them last week about my feelings, are we three boyfriends and girlfriends? Oh gods, I never even asked them!!

"Uuhhh...Superstar? Are you....okay...?" A worried voice of Bonnie snapped me out of my frantic thoughts.

Pink powdered across my cheeks, smiling sheepishly at Bonnie who is staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"S-sorry, I was....deep in thought." I laughed nervously.

"Superstar, you doing okay? You had multiple faces...what were you thinking about?"

Blushing harder, I covered my most likely red cheeks looking down shyly. I was hanging with Bonnie and Freddy today in Bonnie's room, right now Freddy went to get something.

"It's just..." I let out a defeated sigh. "Valentine's Day is coming up, and what's worse it's tomorrow!" I fell backward onto Bonnie's bed, hands covering my face as I let out a sad pathetic groan.

I wanted to cry, that's how frustrated I was! I wanted to show how much I love my twins, but how can I if I don't know everything about them!? I didn't realize I started crying until I felt Bonnie pick me up and pull me into his arms, he started to comfort me as I cried for a bit and that's how Freddy saw the scene when he entered his boyfriend's room. He blinks and frowns walks over placing a bag down on Bonnie's vanity.

"What's wrong?"

Bonnie sighs "She's upset that Valentine's Day is tomorrow...Superstar, can you tell us 'why' you seem so upset about it?"

I stopped crying so I'm just a sniffling mess.

"...I-I don't know what to give them, I-I tried to think of what they want or would love but nothing comes to mind! I'm just so... frustrated!"

"Stella..." I look over when Freddy places his hand behind my back. "I don't think the twins don't care what you give them, because they will cherish it no matter what and want to know why?"


He chuckles booping my nose "Because they got it from 'you'. If they love you as much as I know they do, they will love whatever you give them."

"Freddy...th-thank you. But I don't know what to get them though...can you guys help me, please? You guys do know them far more than I do," I thanked Freddy and then pointed out to them I needed their help.

"No worries, we'll help Superstar~"

And that was the start of the mission to figure out what to give my twins their special Valentine's gifts. So far no luck, I don't want Sunny to have more glitter glue he's addicted to that stuff that is hard to get off his clothes, and Moony only wears one nightcap. I was in a completely frantic state, ready to pull my hair out of my scalp! Freddy and Bonnie stopped me from doing that to my hair. Groaning I faceplanted into Bonnie's pillow, screaming into the pillow as I started rolling left and right on the bed with the pillow pushed against my face to muffle the scream.

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