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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 6 is here~! Play the video when she starts to sing! Or You can play it anytime. That's how low her voice is when she sings in this chapter. Enjoy~

Warning Trigger!!! Anxiety attack in this chapter!


Last Time on "My Protectors"!

She digs through her backpack and pulls out the animatronic version of what she sees from the big golden statues. Sun gently takes the plush in awe, looking at it with a soft look looking at her and hugging her then whispers in her ear.

"Thank you, Sunshine...I love it. It's perfect."

She smiles, returning the hug before he lets go hugging his plush version of him.

"No problem, Sunny. You're my friend, I also made one for Moon but..I'll wait until I can catch him, so don't say anything to him, I want to surprise him~" She said smiling brightly eyes closed, tilting her head, feeling giddy.

His eyes brighten "That's a good idea! I know Moon will love it, even though he might hide it."

She smiles more nodding. Then the time came for the parents or older siblings to drop off the kids, the kids all rushed over hugging Sun's legs, and Stella's legs in joy. They told the children there would be a Puppet show later after naptime during snack time. 


Stella ended up having so much fun doing the Puppet show, the children absolutely loved it they wanted an encore. To make those adorable little munchkins happier they gave them an encore until they got tired so Sun and Stella ushered the children to grab a blanket and pillow and to lay down on the mat they wanted to sleep on. Surprisingly since Moon won't show up to help sing the children their lullaby to sleep, the children ask Stella to sing them a lullaby.

"Miss. Stella?" Heather spoke in a sleepy voice as she tucked her in.

She smiles softly "Yes, little one?"

"Can you sing us a lullaby..."

She looked at her in surprise, then all the children spoke up asking her to sing them a lullaby. She looked at Sun who looked giddy nodding at her, ushering her to do it. She giggles softly, shaking her head she looks down at the sleepy angel.

"Very well. But since you asked me to sing for you all, you get to pick the song."

She yawns "Twinkle...Twinkle Little Star. Momma used to sing it to me."

She smiles gently and brushes her bangs from her forehead gently.

"Of course." She took a calm breath out then out slowly, closing her eyes gently she started to sing, not seeing a head poking out from the twin's balcony is at to watch and listen.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night

Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see which way to go
If you did not twinkle so

In the dark blue sky you keep
And often through my curtains peep
For you never shut your eye
'Til the sun is in the sky

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