chapter 46

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"From what we know so far, theoretically, the mole is working for my brother, who has a joint force with my grandfather to take over my organization," I informed them.

Y/N and Bonten's higher-ups stared up at me and then back down at the page of notes I had written on our case.

It was like the roles of the criminals and the roles of the federal police had been swapped out.

We were trying to catch the bad guys here.

Good good

"And it could be anyone in the Bonten, Mikey; that's like at least three hundred men," Koko scratched his chin, not so optimistically.

"Well," Y/N shuffled in her seat and regained her glare on the paper. 

"It would most likely be someone in the inner circle, right? Someone who knows all of the plans and what Bonten is up to, top secretly," She had a perfect point; whoever this was knew exactly what we were doing and how our plans were working, enabling my grandfather to just show up at the worst moment possible and ruin everything all over again.

"You're onto something, babe." I shook the page in my hands and stared at it intensely as if an answer would magically leap out at me from the page: "I have my inner circle, which includes both of you and a small handful of others, and then I have my second but slightly less trusted inner circle, my higher-ups and my executives, the Bonten is a hierarchy, and these men know the plans so that they can execute them." I ran my thumb against the bottom of my chin in thought.

"That's not too bad, then. How many men in this second inner circle would you say?" Y/N questioned me cluelessly.

"At least fifty, maybe a hundred, there are quite a lot of them. This is a big organization and leading it takes a lot of manpower," I shrugged, finding this mole was like finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's a big task, and I can't see it taking anything short of a long time. It's not like we can tell many people outside this circle here. The mole could quite literally be anyone," Ran piped up and joined the conversation again.

Y/N nodded yet again; this whole conversation was a bunch of nodding heads and confused agreeable.

No one knew how to do much else at this point.

The car slowly rolled to a stop, and I felt the terrain change beneath the wheels from gravel road to solid tarmac.

"Alright, I want everyone out of the car when I say so, the perimeter is safe, and I assume you all are armed. Given the hostilities we faced before, I say we have less than five minutes to be off this runway," the driver informed the lot of us, and I trusted his judgment.

"Tell us when to go then," I loaded the barrel of the gun and held it to my side, my eyes peeled out of the heavily tinted windows, the coast looked clear.

"Are we all good to leave?" Sanzu fiddled with his gun in his hand also, making sure that the bullets were in place.

"Yes, alright, boss, five minutes, and we're out of here." All doors swung open in union, and people scurried from the car, hurrying swiftly across the tarmac towards a set of mental stairs and into a plane.

It wasn't the usual private jet we had access to.

There had been no time to prepare such luxury with fuel and flight.

We had driven to a more remote and quieter airport to avoid being tracked down.

Instead, we had struck a deal with the Hachiouzi Nayuta to use one of their planes.

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