chapter 39

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Mikey's POV.

Did I really like my double shot of straight black espresso?

No, to tell you the truth, it burned going down my throat, and every single mouthful of it was dreadful.

It was meant to be a joke; I didn't actually think that Y/N would get it for me.

So, other than that, our little morning trip to the beach was kind of nice.

It was almost relaxing.

"Y/n." I shuffled my body around so that I faced her, and her wide and beautiful eyes stared curiously into mine.

I cleared my throat loudly and glanced out into the ocean to break our awkward stare.

"What is it?" With each word she spoke, her voice seemed to constrict with worry a little more.

My face must have been doing that thing on its own again, where I unintentionally look distressed and panicked.

I tried to regain myself with a smile, as if that would set her at ease.

"We should probably start to head back to the compound," I shrugged breezily, trying my best to sound natural and chilled out, like I went out and about to popular destinations around my country all the time.

"I guess so; I don't want anyone to miss you too much. She gave me a playful nudge on my shoulder and giggled, but I could tell underneath her mask of hearty laughter was a slight confusion and disappointment.

"Yeah, I am probably the most popular person there, you know. I tried to match her humor to make the atmosphere around us lighter.

"You should be very proud that you can accompany me." She shook her head and smiled down at the sand, her reaction telling me that my ego was way too big and that my 'jokes' made her cringe on the inside.

"Popular by fear or by fame?" she responded wittingly.

I scoffed and stood between us, gripping my crutches and eying her carefully, like a predator does to its prey before striking.

She raised her eyebrows in amusement, as if edging me on, urging me to continue.

"That depends on the person who you ask. She stood up also and placed a hand on my back, as if to tell me that she was there if I needed help.

which, of course, I wouldn't; I don't ever need help; I'm literally the most powerful person in Japan.

And there was the ego again—the one that made her cringe inside.

I really should think about getting that in check.

"When we get back up to the car, on the way home, I want to show you something. I changed the topic quickly before she could launch another 'funny' insult my way and attempt to tear down my pride once more.

"What is it?" Her voice was filled with curiosity and wonder, making me smile inside.

"You'll see when we get there,

"You can't drive the car, so I think I should know now. She laughed nervously.

"Oh, honey, I can still drive the car. I shook my head, smiling at the ground.

But the doctor said..." she started before I cut her off before she could even finish her sentence.

"Do I look like someone who cares about what a doctor tells me to do? It's bad enough that I'm walking around with these crutches; I'll be driving my car," I told her, not intending to be rude, but the look on her face told me that she thought otherwise.

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