chapter 1

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A/N: It does get better past the first few chapters; please stick out the journey ;)


"We'll go out to the club together—just the two of us, no parents or anything," were words I had never thought would escape the mouth of my best friend as we were discussing what to do for my birthday.

"What?" Had I heard correctly? Or was my hearing starting to bail me out? Yuzuha knew that I wasn't one to go out partying, and certainly not to the club.

I much preferred staying indoors, reading and annotating books, watching TV shows, and doing those sorts of introverted things.

"Come on, Y/N, you're turning eighteen! You have to live at least once; just try it!" Yuzuha begged, but she demanded me.

"No way! You know how much I hate those sorts of things! The noise, the lights, and the people are one thing—I can't even stand them in a school environment. But mix that with alcohol, drugs, and horny guys—it's a cocktail for disaster. No freaking way I'm spending my birthday at a nightclub." I stated my case; Yuzuha frowned disapprovingly.

"Nope," she persisted bluntly, "there is no way in hell that you are getting out of this one, sister. You and I are spending your eighteenth birthday at the club, having a good time, and living life." She had made up her mind; there was no changing it.

I stared blankly at her for a solid minute.

Her medium-length ginger hair blew in the breeze, and she wore that toothy 'I know I'm better than you' smile plastered across her olive face.

I turned my back away from her; pissed off would be an understatement to say the least.

"Fuck you!" I glanced back around and scrunched up my nose, letting out a toothless smile.

"See you at eight, bitch; be ready outside or I'll drag you out that door." She threw her keys up in the air and proceeded to waltz to her car, victorious.

I groaned and moped back inside the house, dragging my feet up the stairs as I went.

It was my eighteenth birthday in hell.

I needed to invest in some new friends.

I also needed to invest in an outfit that didn't say, "Spike my drink and take me home with you'.

Seriously, though, all Yuzuha wanted to do was find some random ass guy who was mildly good-looking to take her home and sleep with her.

What a whore.

My birthday was just an excuse to go to the club; otherwise, her brother would shoot her on the spot if they knew half of the stuff she was doing.

Browsing my cupboard, I couldn't find much.

We had always gone shopping; the mall was one of the few places I went other than school or my bedroom.

Yuzuha and I would buy skanky dresses as jokes, knowing full well that I would never go anywhere fun enough to wear one.

But here I was, looking through my wardrobe, trying to decide what skanky dress was the least skanky.

Pulling one from the coat hanger, I examined a tight, hot pink dress that wrapped around my slim figure like a blanket.

Sure, it was the most modest-looking thing I had in that cupboard, but it still only reached just above my mid-thigh.

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