chapter 38

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Y/N's POV.

Speed was something that I had been very cautious about.

Everything I did, not just driving, was slow.

I was slow to read, slow to write, and slow to get ready in the mornings.

I just liked to take my sweet time and make sure everything was done correctly.

But driving in one of the world's most jacked-up and expensive cars

I was willing to make an exception for that.

"Brake!" Mikey yelled at me, an 'oh sh*t look plastered across his terrified face as he clutched the handles and center console.

"Who's covering their eyes now?" I laughed, easing my foot onto the brake as we approached a red traffic light.

"You're driving like you're on drugs!" He let out a nervous chuckle of laughter and furrowed his eyebrows at me intensely.

Maybe I am; they're not too hard to find in the compound. I shrugged my shoulders carelessly and giggled to myself, taking my eyes off the road for a split second to focus on Google Maps.

I honestly had no idea where I was going.

"Next left," Mikey stuck out his arm and pointed towards a small side street that was packed bumper to bumper with cars, leading down a small little hill.

I think we've found the way to get to the beach. I scoffed at the sheer number of people who were here.

Mikey gave his head a brief jerk, agreeing.

"I'm surprised how many people are here," he muttered, more to himself than to me, scratching his head in his internal confusion.

For winter, this is an awful lot of people," I added, taking note of all the cars that seemed to snake down all the way to the shoreline.

I caught a glimpse of the water down at the end of the street; the sun caused it to glimmer, like something out of a movie.

The small waves crashed rhythmically down on the sand and stained it perfectly, tinting the colors and creating a fine line of almost unnoticeable difference.

"Alight, all out, all change," I told him, managing to find a parking lot and reverse back into it, turning the engine off and unlocking the doors.

I gathered the small bag I had packed before we left. I had packed a hat, sunglasses, a jumper, and a small tube of sunscreen just in case the UV was high.

I was prepared; you must give me that.

"What beach is this?" I asked curiously. Mikey turned to me and thought for a moment.

"We're in Sorrento, and the beach we're going to is called Nerano Beach; it's pretty popular. He shrugged briefly before stepping out of the car and into the crisp morning air.

I followed suit and shivered slightly as the breeze hit my skin like a brick wall.

"Are you cold?" Mikey observed, tilting his head to the side a little.

"Yeah, a little, but I brought a jumper with me." I gave him a toothless smile and grabbed a fistful of fabric, pulling my jumper from the tote bag.

"Prepared much," he pocketed his hands and leant slightly on one crutch, studying me teasingly.

"I'll let you know that being prepared isn't a bad thing; in fact, it helps to prevent major catastrophes." I crossed my arms over my chest before shutting the car door and making my way down the hill towards the beach.

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