chapter 18

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Y/n's POV.

I woke up wrapped in a cocoon of fluffy white sheets in a bright and elegant room, with no idea how I had gotten here or what the situation was.

I took off the covers and sat up, noticing Sano Manjiro's thousand-dollar suit jacket wrapped around my shoulders.


A realization dawned on me as I walked into the Devil's room.

I stood awkwardly in the center of the room, biting down hard on my bottom lip to stop myself from ending this silence with something stupid that got me killed.

His gaze was unreadable; he was like a fucking brick wall, with no expression at all.

His eyes stared at me as if waiting for something to be said. 

I just hesitated.

This was a big ass guy; he was scary, and I was stuck alone with him.

"Well, are you going to finally make yourself useful?" His tone was cocky and shitlike.

What the fuck did he mean by 'finally'?

I had been asleep for who knows how long.

This guy was such a prick.

"I need you to be my... date for my trade conference." A trade conference sounded half-normal.

"For drugs," he finished.

Of course, it was a trade conference for drugs.

What else could I have expected from a mob boss?

It was not like this guy to lead even a half-normal, mediocre life.

I cocked my eyebrow for him to explain further.

"My men in Italy think that it would be wise for us to expand our trading horizons. We had a scare just the other day with the Russian criminal organization, they received a tip regarding our cartel supplies. Where we are in French Polynesia, there is a wide trading network for weapons. Its not as if we are short in supplies, but it would be helpful to restock. So, we're here to trade a small portion of our drug supplies for a large number of weapons. Y/n, I am not telling you this because I give a shit about you. I'm telling you this because I have to. I can't have you walking in there smiling like a whore, everyone there is a trained killer, one wrong move and you're toast," I bit my lip and took a step back, uncomfortable with the fact that I was going to be in a room filled with more murderers.

But I didn't have a choice; I was the property of the bonten, and my future wasn't up to me anymore.

"When do we leave?" I questioned.

His brows furrowed together, and a small smile emerged on his lips.

"Nowhere when you look like that," he scoffed.

I glanced over towards the mirror; my god, I did look like shit.

My makeup was smeared all over my face, and my hair was everywhere and mattered.

He wasn't even being a dick this time; it was true.

He continued, "We leave at five o'clock; there has been a suitcase placed in your cupboard with all of the clothes and attire you need. An outfit has been laid out for you." 

I looked at the digital clock on the wall.

It was only eight o'clock. I groaned.

"What am I meant to do for the next nine hours?" I demanded. 

Some holiday.

He grabbed his phone from the charging port on the bench and began tapping away furiously on his screen. screen.

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