chapter 2

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It took a while, but the cogs in my brain began to turn again, and the stupidity seemingly exited my head as I snapped back into reality.

Run, you idiot!

I spun on my heels and dropped my shoes where they were; I always hated the things anyway.

I began to run, panting and puffing, my chest heaving up and down with such struggle that there may as well have been a ten-kilo weight attached to it.

Why now did my lungs have to fail me?

I shot around a corner, grabbing a pole to help with momentum.

I might have been small, but I could run.

In primary school, I won every single race they offered me and competed at every level possible.

Only then did I think I would use those skills to run away from five men in suits with guns.

My mind wandered to the thought of them being a part of the FBI.

Was I running from the FBI? That was considered a crime, I'm pretty sure.

Fuck it! I'm not staying around long enough to find out who they are.

There's a fifty-fifty chance I'm in trouble with the law or being robbed.

I'm not stupid enough to ask them.

I had sprung around another corner, trying my best to lose them in the rush of people coming home from parties and clubs, darting around every corner I could to get them off my tail.

Taking a quick glance back to see if I had lost them, I caught sight of people being shoved and falling forward as more men appeared from behind.

"Fuck you, Yuzuha," I muttered and continued to sprint, taking another corner.

My eyes were drawn upward when I slammed into a fence.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!

My fingers grasped the wire blocking the continuation of the alleyway.

My knees became weak as the sound of footsteps came vaguely through the air and reached my ears.

Then came a sick chuckle of laughter.

My knuckles were white from gripping the fence, and I squeezed my eyes shut, praying to God that it was all some kind of horrible dream.

"She's a quick one, ain't she?" A sick and demonic voice came from behind me.

Nope, not a dream. My breathing was still fast-paced, and my vision was still clouded from the lack of blood to my brain.

I could feel my cheeks go blotchy and ugly-colored red as I turned around to face the men, attempting to brew up an escape plan in my mind.

"Who are you?" I demanded, trying my best to make my presence known.

"You're my worst nightmare," another man stepped out from behind, a new cigarette between his two fingers as he stepped in close to me and let out a puff of smoke in my face.

The smell was raging; I wrinkled my nose and coughed over my shoulder, earning a small chuckle from him.

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart; I saw goodbye to sunny Japan." He pulled a black leather glove over his hand, and for a moment I stood there, complexed and confused.

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