I'll love you my whole life

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A/N- I tried to keep this chapter short since it is the last one of this book.  But it was impossible.  I don't know if it will all hit the way I hope it will but I was in literal tears as I wrote it.  I hope you enjoy it.  And thank you for making it to the end.  I haven't had the chance to edit it yet, but i will.  I just really needed to get it out.

Gio's POV"

When the bathroom door closes, I find that I still can't move from my from spot on the floor.  I'm confused about what I should do.  Do I let her be, give her time to process everything?  Or do I go in there?  Maybe being alone isn't a good idea right now.  When she got up I wanted to stop her.  I wanted her to come back and sit with me. 

I feel like I'm loosing her. 

As I stand up the room starts to spin, loosing my balance I try to grab onto the dresser to keep from falling and end up knocking picture frames over, and they crash hitting the floor.  Glass shattering. 

The bathroom door swings open and Aurora comes running out wet in her towel, kneeling in front of me. "I'm fine, I'm fine.  I just got up to quick.  I got a little dizzy and lost my balance."  She takes a hold of my arm to help me stand up slowly.  As I straighten my stance I see tears falling again. "Will you please talk to me? "  I beg holding her face, forcing her to look up at me with her glossy eye.  "I'm loosing you, I know I am.  And it's killing me Ror."  A ghost of a smile appears on her face. "What are you smiling at?" She looks down at the rose tattoo on my throat. Something I haven't caught her doing in a while.

"You called me Ror." her eyes soften, the wrinkles in her forehead flatten out.  I haven't seen her face this relaxed in weeks. 


"I don't think you've called me that in months.  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I miss you,

"Aurora I'm right here," I throw my hands in the air.  "I've been here."  I bring them down slowly and my shoulders slump. When she doesn't say anything I start to walk towards the bathroom.  I just want to shower and go to bed.  I need this day to end.  This all needs to end.   I stop before I get to the bathroom.  I don't turn around, but I know she's watching me.  "I'll love you my whole life.  I'll never stop Baby girl." I can hear her break down.  My heart is screaming at me to go to her, but my brain makes me walk into the bathroom and close the door without looking back.  I have to let her go.

Aurora's POV

My heart breaks at his words. I sit on the bed after he closes the door.  That door closing was like he was closing the door on us.  I know it's for the best.  Everything has gotten so toxic, we aren't who we were a few months ago.  Just hearing him call me that nickname made me happier then I've been in so long.  I know the person I was happy with is still in there.  And I don't want to let go of him. 

Before I realize what I'm doing my towel is on the floor and I'm walking into the shower with him. He turns around to face me, and there are tears on his cheeks,

"What are you doing Ror?" He whispers his question, but his hands pull me to him by my hips.  As my chest touches his my breath gets caught in my throat.

"I-"  I swallow the lump in my throat.  My eyes burn so bad, and my vision starts to blur from unshed tears. "I don't know Gi, I really don't."  I shake my head.  "I love you so much, and I'm so scared, and confused.  I-" He presses his lips on mine,  his tears falling on my face and mixing with my own. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss, I part my lips for his tongue. This kiss brings me back to the very beginning.  How we just fit together like puzzle pieces.  I sob into his mouth as he continues to kiss me and kiss me harder.

A love he never wanted Book 2Where stories live. Discover now