The funeral

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Aurora's POV

Picking out my outfit for the funeral wasn't something I thought I'd need to do. After how everything went down with Nico I figured even if there was a funeral we wouldn't be going. Gio said to keep up appearances it was our duty to go.

I picked a black pencils dress with three quarter sleeves, and black heels. Leaving my hair down, I just did big curls. And simple makeup.

Making my way down stairs the sound of my heels catches Gios attention. Looking up from his phone, he drags his eyes down the length of my body. Lord knows I can't judge him because I'm doing the same. His black on black suit and black tie to bring the whole thing together has me aching for him. He never usually wears a tie. All I can think of is all the ways he could tie me up with it after we leave the wake.

Walking up to him, he grabs me wrapping his arms around me tight. He dips his face into the crook of my neck taking in my sent before kissing my sweet spot. "Baby girl you look good enough to eat." I giggle and pull away slightly to look at him. The sight of him makes heart flutter.  Sliding my hand down his silk tie. "You want me to tie you up don't you?" I smile wide.

"You know me all too well baby."

"Mhmm. Don't worry Baby girl." He pushes my hair over my shoulder to whisper in my ear. "This tie won't go to waist. I'll tie you down and fuck your brains out once we get home." He smashed his lips down on mine. The kiss is hard and rough. He slides his tongue in my mouth fighting for dominance. I know I'm no match for him. He kisses me like he's starved and can't get enough. I moan into his mouth as his hand comes up and finds my nipple through my dress. It hardens at his touch and he tugs on it. The sensation shoots a spark straight to my core instantly making my panties wet. "Shit Baby Girl we need to stop before I take you to bed and fuck you."

"Ok Daddy. But I'd much rather go to bed with you."

He slaps my ass, making me yelp. "Get that sexy ass in the car." I giggle as I walk out the front door. I wait for him to lock up. Making our way out of the building the phantom is parked out front. When the driver sees us he makes his way around to open the back door for us. Gio gives me his hand helping me in.
"Good evening George! How's your wife doing?"

He tips his hat, "good evening Miss Aurora, she's doing well. Only three weeks left till the baby's here."

"Oh that reminds me! Expect a package from Mr. Marino and myself for the baby."
"Will do Miss Aurora, thank you both." I nod and slide over and Gio slides in beside me and George closes the door. I look over and Gios smiling at me shaking his head.


He tilts head head "How do you know so much?"

"Hasn't you father taught you the importance of having a good rapport with your workers? Even if you are the Boss?"

His smile fades "No. He's lead by fear."  

"You lead by fear, and I'll be the softer side then. It's always worked for me." I turn away to look out my window.

"A boss can't do that." Sighing I turn back to look at him. Wrapping my fingers around his hand that lays on my thigh.

"I'm not saying be a push over. But it's good to know what's going on in your employees life. It builds trust. Trust builds a stronger loyalty than fear does." Elbow leaning on the door, his hand rubs his chin. "You know I'm right."

"Nobody likes a smart ass baby." I try to nudge him with my elbow, but he grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. He kisses the side of my head and continues to hold me the rest of the ride to the funeral home. "Baby when we get there, I want you to stick to my side. Most of the men will be mine. But there may be a few from other families coming by. Nico knew alot of people. A lot of them know what he tried to do. Some were against him and some liked him enough to be on his side. I can't protect you if you aren't with me. We got lucky at my party. I don't know if we would be that lucky again."

"I understand. Believe me after the last time, even if I have to pee, I'll either hold it or you'll be standing outside the stall door till I finish."

"Good girl". He kisses my temple as I check my makeup in my compact mirror. As I'm putting it away we stop infront of the funeral home.

George gets out to open the door for us. Gio gets out and reaches his hand out and I gratefully take it.
Upon stepping out I see that it's a circus outside. But Gio assures me it won't be like that inside.

As we walk up the steps cameras are going off taking pictures like a celebrity died and they are capturing guests coming to mourn.

"They know this is for a guy in the mafia, and not the queens wake right?"

"Yeah they know. But he was well known in the community. For both good and bad reasons." I nod my head in understanding. Pushing my hair behind my ear. An older man dressed in a nice suit opens the door for us.  I make Gio go first as a trail behind holding in to his hand tightly.  We walk through the lobby and are directed to the biggest room they have.  We walk into what is the back of the room.  Around 30 rows of chairs are between us a Nico's casket.  Surprising me is the fact that it's open.  We walk over to line of people who are waiting to pay their respects. Most of the seats are taken in the middle of the room.  Along the walls on either side are couches,  separated by wooden coffee tables.  The front of the room where Nico is, is lined with big bouquets of flowers.  One in the shape of a heart is on a stand.  Looking around I see some faces I recognize, and many I don't. As my eyes search I see Mr. Marino. He's speaking to a tall man with black hair who has his back towards us. 
The line is moving quickly. And before I know it, we are next to kneel infront of Nico casket. Doing the sign of the cross Gio and I kneel together.
I should be praying but instead I'm checking out the body.  They did a great job of making his makeup look natural. His hair washed a brushed how he always did it. Other then a big cut on the left side of his forehead that looks like it had been stitched closed he looked like he was sleeping.  He's wearing his signature black suit and white dress shirt.  Rosary beads wrapped around his hands. The lining looks expensive. Must be silk. The outside is a deep and shiny mahogany.  A thought pops into my head.

"Did he have any family?" As I turn my face to look at Gio I swear to god I thought I saw Nico's ghost right behind him. All color drains from my face and I feel like I'm going to puke. Gio seeing my shock grabs my face. 
"Look at me baby. Come on, it's ok breathe."  My eyes are locked on Nico's ghost. He looks confused at my reaction to him and walks over. A small sweat breaks out on my forehead and upper lip. I'm going to pass out any second. Just as Gio is about to stand Nico's ghost dips down and picks me up bridal style just as my world around me goes dark. 

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