what do you do when it all falls apart

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Aurora's POV

After being locked a way in Gios estate for six days, he made the for us to go back.  He spoke with his father.  No one has heard from or seen Nico since the party.   After Nico's last message to Gio, it was decided that I would have round the clock security.  Not that I go any where alone.  Theres two extra guys in our loby, and one that stands at our elevator doors to the living room.  There is also a lock on the button in the elevator.  so you cant even get up to our floor with out it.

In addition to extra security at home, there has been a change in security at work as well.  Along with about 100 added camera's around and in the building.  Gio and Mr. Marino wont take any chances.

Regardless of all the safety protocol, I've still been having nightmares. Two a night. They're always the same. We're back that the party. I dance with Nico. But instead of Gio not being on the room he's there when the shoot starts. I try to get to him, but Nico holds me back as I scream for Gio. Gio has a clear run to me, and as he takes the chance to get to me he is shot in the back. I scream as I watch realization come across his face and he falls to the ground face first. That's usually when I wake up, or Gio wakes me up because I'm screaming out for him in my sleep. Last night I decided to just stay awake after the first one.

Gio told me to stay home, but I knew it wouldn't do any good. If anything it would make things worse.

when we got to the office I just got to work like nothing was different. I got Gio his coffee, printed his schedule with his meeting. filed stuff way, made copies. I was just grateful for the normal routine.

Gio catches my eye as he comes out of his meeting.

"meeting over already?" I look behind him to see if anyone else was coming out.

"No, unfortunately." he pecks my lips. "I need a favor. There are files I need down in Nico's office. He was lead on this project, and now...."

"I get it, I'll go now." I start to walk and he clasps my hand in his.

"Thank you baby girl. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"I know baby, it's fine." wrapping my arms around his neck, I try to kiss and suck on his lips. He pulls away all to quickly leaving me to feel like a fool. I bring my hands to sides, and give him a tight grin. Trying to hide my hurt. "I'll be right back." Turning on my heels, I all but run to the elevator pushing the button over and over again.

"Aurora, wait!" the doors open and I walk in pressing the floor number and then pressing the button to close the doors. "Aurora!" just as the doors close, he's there. I hear him pound on the outer doors. Leaning on the back wall of the elevator the tears come pouring out.

He's never been cold like that towards me. Towards his men, yes. Towards other women, always. But towards me? Never.

The doors open and I quickly step out. Not bothering to wipe my face. There's nobody on this floor anymore, so there's nobody to hide my tears from. As I enter Nico's office a weird feeling comes over me. Not long ago I was in here with Nico, and everything was normal. He didn't try and kill Gio, or tell me that he loved me. And Gio wasn't pulling away from my kiss. I'm looking through a filing cabinet when I replay what just happened in my head. I've never been rejected before by someone I love. I start to think that maybe everything that has happened has just become to much for him?

I stop my movements through the files. What if he wants to end everything?

With that thought I drop to my knees, and curl over, wrapping my arms around myself. Loud sobs come from my mouth, I try to scream at the pain I'm feeling but nothing comes out.

A love he never wanted Book 2Where stories live. Discover now