Getting to know you

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Aurora's Pov

"She's our Devil in Disguise!" My head snaps to Mr. Marino. From behind me I hear a growl.

"NO! Absolutely Fucking not!" Gio barks out. "We talked about this. She is to be my assistant for legit business only. Shes going to be my wife and mother of my children, she is not getting involved in Mafia business." I tap on his arm to let him know I cant breathe. His arms around my waist is constricting. He takes the hint and loosens his grip, not completely letting go.

"Why not? she doesn't have to do anything or even go anywhere. When we are having our meeting here she can be our ears when we aren't around. They wont speak english in front of her, but they wont know that she still understands every single word they speak. I don't think its that crazy of an idea."

I look to Nico to see him looking between the two, just waiting on who will concede first. He must feel my eyes on him, because his eyes immediately lock on mine. Not wanting to seem submissive I hold it for a little longer before looking up to Gio's face. He and his father are dead locked on each other. I sigh stepping away.

Walking over to my prior seat, I grab my class and take a big sip feeling the liquor burn my throat. Putting the glass down on the table before crossing one of my legs over the other. This action gets the attention of all three men. I internally smile knowing I can still command a room even though I'm the weakest one here. Clearing my throat, "Honestly Gio, it's not like it wouldn't happen anyway. I'd be the one clearing the boardroom, or setting it up. I'll be the one letting them into the room as well. No matter what they speak of I would be the one to hear it. So if it is of any importance I'd tell you either way." He hangs his head in defeat and comes to sit next to me. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. "You know even with out asking me I would've done that anyway."

"I know." He doesn't look at me, and his voice is low. "But if they figure it out you could get hurt." He looks up finally "I'd rather you not have any interaction with the shady people we deal with. That's how you stay safe." He slumps back on the couch letting out a sigh.

"Nothing has to be decided now. It was just an idea. If you hear something you tell us. But don't go looking for trouble. Understand?" Nico says trying to clear the tension in the room. I look up with a smile and mouth a 'thank you'.

"So when will you start?" Mr. Marino changes the subject.

Gio sits up straight now fixing his suit. "I'm going to show Aurora our office now. let her see the space so she can decide how she wants to decorate it." he looks at me and smiles at my wide eyes and open mouth. I clap my hands in excitement.

"I get to decorate it?!!"

"Of course Baby Girl. Come, lets go see. Nico come with?" we pause by the door waiting for his answer. Nico stand closing the button on his suit jacket.

"Sure, lead the way." This makes me smile. I like seeing Gio and his friend interact. I don't know what it is about Nico, but I already like having him around.

Gio drags me to the other side of the building on this floor. Its the opposite of his fathers, where Mr. Marino's is completely closed off to prying eyes, our office has a thick glass wall and door that separates us from the rest of the floor. The office walls are bare with the exception of floor to ceiling books shelves on the wall to the right. Opposite the office doors are floor to ceiling windows with a fantastic view of the city.

"WOW! This is a great space. I think it's better then your Fathers." I say as I look around, and walk to the windows.

"You should see my Office, they stuck me in a shoe box." Nico jokes.

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