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I hurt her. I could have killed her. Every ounce of my body was telling me to leave her, make her leave me but instead I was begging her to forgive me. I couldn't live without her but I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt her like that again. Losing control was something that didn't happen often. I had good control, I was strong when it came to it and I prided myself on how well I managed myself. I couldn't help it this time. The power and rage blinded me, Heloix just as upset and making himself known.

Maeve was dragging me downstairs, her legs moving eagerly whilst I lagged behind. My forearms were still pretty gnarly albeit relatively painless. She loved children you could tell but I think she wanted me to be around Archander and herself another female. The two seemed like they'd get alone. Maybe Maeve could bring Callisto out of her shell a little. She seemed very reserved and imitated by authority.

She dragged me forward, shooting stern glances at me from my subtle protests. Finally, minutes slower than what it should have been, we entered the kitchen. I'd put a baggy hoodie on to hide the charred skin but patches still remained on my hands. Callisto was rocking a tiny baby, screaming in her arms whilst she desperately tried to soothe him. Archander on the other hand was holding a calm, smaller if possible baby, who suckled happily on a bottle, big eyes staring up at him. He dwarfed the tiny creature, looking so at peace as his hand played with the babies small fingers.

"Maeve, Arles, I'm sorry for the noise, Ares well he is a bit of hard work," Callisto smiled apologetically, bouncing the screaming baby.

"No don't worry at all, they are babies you can't control a bit of crying," Maeve smiled in reply walking over to her and peering at the little baby.

"Oh guys, he's gorgeous, they both are," she grinned at Archander.

"That they are," Archander replied smiling down at the boy, now drifting off in his arms. "Archander, could you grab him I need to use the bathroom," Callisto said desperately, her bouncing more of a full bladder sign. He frowned looking between the sleepy baby and the crying one but sighed, nodding anyway.

"I can grab him if it'll disturbed Atlas," Maeve spoke looking at the situation. Callisto grinned, "as much as I'd like to say you don't have to, thank you, my bladder hasn't been the same since these two and if I wait any longer his crying won't be the worst thing happening," she chuckled, carefully handing the baby over to Maeve who took great care with the tiny body. She looked incredible. One day that would be our pup in her arms, her calming them down as I tended to our older children, running rampage around the house. She'd have that exhausted mom look which would make her all the more attractive knowing she was caring for our babies. I wanted that now more than ever.

Callisto rushed out of the room and Archander stood too, "I'm just going to put this little guy down before his brother wakes him up, he's not getting much sleep recently with Ares around him," his smile was sad, almost as if he felt for the young child who had no idea what was going on and content with everything around him. I nodded in response and told him not to rush as Ares would be fine.

"Trust me I know, I guarantee he's safer with you than me," Archander laughed, an honest deep laugh as he exited the room. He had a point, it wasn't a dig that I was stronger just a true statement that I was all the more protective, despite the pup being his. He knew in any circumstance I'd give my life for anyone in need never mind my family.

Maeve smiled at me, motioning me to walk over to her. I did as she commanded. The baby was quieting, his cries softer as he stared at the two of us in wonder. She held his head in her hands, arms supporting his back as his legs curled up on her belly. I moved to stand behind her, resting my hands under his head to take the babies weight and placed my head on hers, still having to lean down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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