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3 weeks had passed and I had stuck by my words. The only conversation we had was when he'd try to talk to me, begging me to give this up, my reply would always be the same. I'd ask him whether he was ready to tell me the truth about the danger I was supposedly in and when he said he couldn't I carried on on my way, no more words needed. It was childish and maybe I was being ridiculous but I had come too far to give up now, my stubbornness told me I couldn't stop despite knowing how stupid I was being.

Yet the other part of me didn't think it was stupid. If I was in danger did that also mean my family could be a target? There's a lot he knew about me yes, from the day we spent with my family, mom telling him every story I was ever involved in and all about our life but what about the things he didn't know. What about my friends, my family in other packs, anyone close to me could be harmed if the danger he foresees is so bad that he will endure weeks of silent treatment. It's unfair that he refuses to tell me when it could put those I love in danger as well. That is the part of me that keeps me sane. The part that allows me to carry on with this petty pissing match and stay away from him. I also took refuge in one of the spare rooms he had offered on my first night here as the constant one-sided bickering at night had become rather annoying. The other reason being I was finding it had to restrain myself and had woken up 3 times curled up into him, practically clinging to his large frame and drooling.

If I wanted to get somewhere with this I couldn't give into the suffocating pull of the mate bond. It was hard work, yes. But I could manage a little longer. I already knew what he was going to tell me. Well truthfully I had no idea what he'd tell me, I had no idea how it was possible but I had an idea. After spending a week surrounded by books I learnt a lot. The four were created many millennia's ago, they were younger than most gods and goddesses but possessed strength as strong as their elders. They each had a gift. Heloix, the gift of light. This meant that he could draw light from anything, literally. Candles, lights, even rocks or objects that had seen light in their past, he could do as he pleased with this, create fire, objects made of light such as bolts, create electricity. That wasn't the worst part, he could take "light" from people. Meaning he could drain people of the good they had and allow them to become dark. Or he could take their light in the form of happiness, allowing them to become dark, cold, dull. Sad. The alternative was he could give the light back but it was never known to happen. He wasn't empathetic enough for that clearly.

It was a powerful gift and ultimately is what created rogues. Haesteus had the power of mind control, he could manipulate people into seeing whatever they wanted, feeling whatever he wanted, seeing whatever he pleased. Again a dangerously powerful gift and also allowed the downfall of werewolves. He abused this and created an array of disasters, only to toy with people when they realised it was a trick in their mind. He was powerful enough to manipulate a group of thousands all at once without shredding an ounce of energy.

I had saved Arles for last and in turn learnt about Archander the youngest of the group. His gift was peaceful, it was the gift of energy. When I first read this I figured it meant he had the gift similar to Heloix however it was shocking to discover that whilst in the wrong hands chaos could unravel but Archander used his gift well. His gift allowed him to calm individuals. His energy was peaceful, it stopped rebellions and allowed him to create peace simply through his energy that he possessed. He could stop a child from crying, a man from killing, a wolf from hunting. He could rebirth nature and heal the injured. His gift had the power to completely do the opposite, kill nature, crush the soul of a man and destroy all humanity yet he chose to use it well. He was known as the favourite of the Vitam Gods.

Lastly Arles. Arles, the twin of Archander and despite being younger than Heloix and Haesteus and made to be equal with Archander was the strongest of all brothers, with or without their gifts. He was known to have the biggest heart and be the most  protective out of the Four. His gift was simply the gift. His gift had no title but he could draw any power from any individual, give power to any individual, he could take the power of his siblings and use it as his own. He had the gift of all. Whatever was possible in this supernatural world, he could do. However there was a downfall to this and at the start of his life he struggled to control this power causing many disasters here on earth.

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