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I woke up at around midnight to a message. It was from Wilhelm. He just wanted to know if I was asleep? He woke me up and after we stopped texting I couldn't sleep.

I sit up and for some weird reason, I feel empty. Not like hungry-empty, like empty as in there's nothing left in me. I don't feel any emotion I just feel numb and empty. I text Wilhelm.

Simon : 'are you still awake?'

Wilhelm : 'yeah, whats up?'

Simon : 'can you come to my room please?'

Wilhelm : 'ofcourse'

After about 2 minutes, Wilhelm bursts through the door in black joggers without a shirt on. I smile at him. 

"What's wrong Simme?" Wilhelm sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug.

"I just missed you, can you stay here tonight?" I lay down and make a spot next to him.

He smiles and lays down next to me. He puts him arm under my head and I lay on it. I fall asleep quickly.



I wake up way before Simon does. It was still dark outside so I check the time on my phone. 5:30am. 

I look over at Simon but hes still sleeping. Its weird because it looks like someone else is there but it could just be his pillows. I shrug it off. 

I sit up and grab my phone. I chuck a hoodie on and stand up. I quietly reach for my keys to the dorm's door. I open the door, close it and lock it.

I walk down the hallway, putting airpods into my ears. I connect them to my phone and I listen to some music. I decided to go on a walk before the day starts, just to get a refresher.

After about 20 minutes, Simon rings me.

"Charlie? Where are you?" Simon says worridely.

"I'm just on a walk, I'm just coming back now." I sigh and start walking towards Forest Ridge House.


authors note:

what was everyones opinions on season 3? sorry i was gone for so long aswell, school work is too much lol. im not sure how consistent posts are going to be but i will be posting. lots of love to you all and im so greatful for 5.2k reads like wtf??!!

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