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Me, Wilhelm, Nick and Charlie are all walking down to the lake. I'm at the back with Charlie and Wilhelm is in front with Nick.

"I have to get a photo of this." I chuckle, and get my phone out, "Tap Nick on the shoulder when I say."

Charlie nods and I get my phone out.

"Go, tap him." I chuckle and tap Wilhelm on the shoulder. Charlie taps Nick's shoulder and I take a quick photo.

Charlie and I start bursting out laughing while Wilhelm and Nick had the same expression on their faces. It wasn't a angry one, just like a disappointed look.

"What was that for?" Nick and Wilhelm say at the same time, which makes me and Charlie laugh more.



Once we get down to the lake, Wilhelm and Nick go town to the water talking about random stuff while me and Simon and just talking.

"How do you like it here then Charlie?" Simon smiles at me.

"It's amazing. I wish I could live here but I can't." I chuckle, "Its brilliant though, the landscape is gorgeous!"

Simon smiles then looks at his phone. 

"Shit we have a minute to get to first lesson!" He yells and we stand up. Nick and Wilhelm come over.

"Come on, run then" Wilhelm grabs Simon's arm and starts running. Me and Nick follow.


Authors note:

sorry i havent been updating!! schools just alot rn and stuff. And thankyou for like 700 reads, im acc so happy. lovr you all <3

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