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Me and Simon walked down the hall as quietly as we could to his and Charlie's room. We decided to give Nick and Charlie some privacy because no one really knows they are together so they can't spend all day, every day together. 

Simon unlocked the door and walked in. He put his keys down on his bedside table. I shut the door and sat next to him.

"Its so hot in here," He moans and opens a window.

I just shrug and take my shirt off. I always sleep in my boxers. Even when its winter. I get way too hot sleeping and Simons always a cold sleeper. I would wake up and he has all of the blankets. I find it cute though so I don't really mind it.

I lay into bed and scrolled on my phone. My mother randomly phones me. I quickly answer and put the phone on loud speaker.

"Wilhelm, where are you right now and are you alone?" She says sternly.

"Nick's asleep on the other side of the room and your on low speaker, why?" I ask, looking over at Simon and shrug.

"Reports have been coming in of you and this Simon boy again." As soon as she says this, I look over at Simon with a worried expression.

 "Apparently, you two are dating. Please confirm or deny." She says coldly. A shiver runs down my spine, I look at Simon and hes mouthing 'deny' so that's what I say.

"Me and Simon are just friends mother, I don't know why I'd ever date a boy." I scoff. This all really hurt to say but I honestly could not afford to be alone from Simon.

"Good. Now you'll have to make a statement about it since it's all everybodys been talking about." She says sternly, but a sense of pride in her voice. She doesn't know I'm lying but hearing that she was slightly proud of me just made me extremely happy.

I nod, even though she cannot see me. "Yeah, ofcourse. How soon though? I'm quite busy with schol work."

"On Friday, at 4:00 pm sharp, a car will come and pick you up. You could spend the weekend at the palace." She orders.

I hate staying at the palace. It reminds me too much of Erik. Even though it's been 2 years since his death, it still makes me sad every time his birthday comes around. 

"I don't want to stay at the palace. I'm coming back to Hilliska after. Well I am going to hang up now because I am tired. Night mother." I say before hanging up the phone.

I look over at Simon and hes laying down next to me, sleeping quietly. I didn't even realise he was asleep but he was. 

I lay down next to him and put my arm around him. I then fall asleep. 


author's note:

hey guys!! im sorry for not updating alot, im going through some mental stuff but thank you so much for 1k reads!! im so so happy and i love you all <3

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