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I give Nick a quick kiss before I go into my room. I waved at him before I shut the door. Simon isn't in here, so I'm going to guess hes saying goodbye to Wilhelm. They must be good friends, it seems nice. I sit down on my bed and start texting Nick. 'Is Wilhelm back at the dorm?' I text him.

'No, is Simon back at yours?' He replies almost instantly. 

It's a bit weird that Wilhelm and Simon aren't in the dorms. I text Nick again, 'No he isn't, maybe they have somewhere to be?' 

I turn my phone off and grab some clothes to wear to bed out of my suitcase. I pick one of Nick's hoodies and some grey jogging bottoms. I leave the dorm and go into the bathrooms so I can get changed. Once I'm changed, I go back into the dorm and start to fall asleep on my bed.



There is a party, its one of the third years' birthdays so they are throwing him a party in the back house. Wilhelm insisted that I go so I'm going with him.

We get there and there's drinks. I don't drink so I don't pick one up. Wilhelm doesn't even hesitate picking one up and drinking it quickly. I guess hes missed his party life, I laugh when he finishes the whole drink. August pull Wilhelm into a different room, with about 6 other people. I don't mind it. I go to try and find Sara.

I find Sara, drinking and laughing with Felise. I wave at them and sit down.

"Hi, I didn't know you were here Simme!" Sara smiles. I can tell shes clearly drunk and I just chuckle.

"Yeah, I came with Wille. August just took him though, probably for a chat but I don't know. Doesn't seem to bother me." I smile at Felise and I open my phone to an Instagram message off of Nick. I have no idea how he found my account but I read it.

'Hey Simon, Charlie was texting me saying that you and Wilhelm have gone somewhere. I just wanna know what time you'll be back.' 

I reply saying: 'Hey Nick, and we have just got to do something but we will back soon.'

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