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"Madara" I call out to him in a raised whisper, I have no idea why I'm trying to be quiet because there is no need to be. The whole forest is dead silent with the acceptation of the wind blowing every so often. "Madara, where are you?" I'm trying to stay on an open path where the moonlight lights the way. Finally I discover an opening where a river is flowing steadily, in the distance I can hear the calming sound of a waterfall and crickets chirping.

I bend down clasping a handful of water to drink and then splash some on my face, cleansing it from the dried sweat It feels so refreshing. dipping my hand in to test the temperature I am tempted to bathe myself. With the combination of travelling for most of the day and a stressful night mare i really need to. I dart my eyes around the area to confirm I am alone. After casually slipping my night ware off I step one foot in at a time. I lower myself into the water and breathe out a sigh of relief. It's so peaceful here I begin to forget why I ventured away from the camp in the first place. Several minutes go by and I lay my head back to rest on the edge of the riverbank, hoping to gaze upon the starry night sky, but instead I have a shadow standing firmly over me. Jumping into the air, I scream trying my best to cover my naked body.

"You do realise we are on a mission, not on vacation to the hot springs don't you?"


"Don't get ahead of yourself I wasn't watching you. I have only just got here!"

"I spend all that time searching for you and you decide to show up right now, when I am exposed!" I fumble clumsily around for my clothes that are beneath Madara's feet. "Why are you still looking at me!!? Close your eyes you pervert!" He turns away from me as I dress myself. "Where did you go? I was worried"

"I just needed to clear my head" he says stoically.

"You can look now" I say after pulling my top over my head. He turns back to face me.

"Why would you worry about me? Why did you come looking for me?"

"I wanted to apologise to you, I was wrong for forcing you to open up. I don't know when to quit. I'm sorry." I say hanging my head in shame.

"You can say that again." he gloats with a smirk. "But you didn't answer my other question"

I look up pretending to be puzzled as I wanted to avoid answering it, I don't want to show that I'm over caring. "Wha...uh ...I ...I was just worried because could have gotten lost" I finally say trying my best to sharpen my words.

"I possess the sharingan..."

"Right well you could have been hurt!" Not letting up on my facade.

"Me..." he clutches his stomach echoing out a belly laugh. "Don't be ridiculous." I have no idea if that laugh was genuine or he is simply mocking me. Once he has composed himself he looks to me with an expression I've never seen before. His face softens and he give me a half smile. "Come one, let's go back."

Unknown pov

I have found her once more. I have lead her to exactly where I want her, they will be no match for the nine tails. Even so through all the commotion that will occur I can attack her then. She's not quite in sync with the entities abilities so this should be so easy! Mother...we will be reunited soon.

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