White Flags! (End of ARC 1)

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As Ms. NASA passionately delves into the mysteries of the cosmos, the dimly lit astronomy classroom became a haven for tranquility. The soft hum of the projector and the occasional shuffle of notes provide a lulling backdrop, enticing the tired American into a gentle descent of slumber.

Seated near the back, the young man battles valiantly against the irresistible pull of drowsiness. His eyes, heavy with fatigue, attempt to focus on the intricate diagrams of celestial bodies displayed on the screen. However, the gravitational force of weariness becomes too overwhelming.

As the lecture progresses, the rhythmic cadence of the professor's voice, akin to a soothing lullaby, begins to cast its spell. The room, filled with the soft glow of celestial images, fosters an environment conducive to dreams. The student's head gradually tilts forward, his eyelids succumbing to the weight of exhaustion.

In his semi-conscious state, he floats through the cosmos, carried away on the celestial waves of knowledge. The constellations on the ceiling twinkle as if conspiring to lull him further into the embrace of sleep. Occasionally, a jolt of awareness disrupts his descent, but the allure of rest proves too compelling.

The gentle rustle of papers and the distant tapping of keys become distant echoes as he surrenders to the cosmic embrace of a midday nap. In this astral sanctuary, the boundaries between the classroom and the universe blur, and the student finds solace in the quiet sanctuary of his dreams, oblivious to the astronomical wonders unfolding on the blackboard.

A gentle pat on the back caused the consciousness gradually seeping back into his mind as he blinked away the remnants of sleep.

It was Ms. NASA, but she didn't seem angry, or frankly, even worried.

"Class is over now, America. I heard what happened over winter break." She spoke softly, "I won't pester you, after all, you had to come straight back into school after that ordeal. You have a right to be a little tired."

"Ah, sorry Ms. NASA..." America grumbled, "It's not that I don't like your class, sleep's just very hard to come by at the moment."

"I can imagine." Ms. NASA nodded empathetically, "If anything, it's a compliment. I'm glad I could soothe you." America let out a weary chuckle.

He quickly ran a hand through his hair, "Well, no rest for the wicked, I suppose." he quickly packed his stuff and ran out of the empty classroom.

He was so unbelievably tired, there was not a moment of respite for the group, especially him.

With his ability being so new, they have 0 clue what his drawbacks were.

Now he knows. Prolonged fatigue.

Right after they were rescued from the snowed-in cabin, they were chucked back into school.

America could barely even function, thank goodness it's Friday. He was going to sleep the entire weekend.

Plus, Russia was allowed back to the dorm this weekend.

Even though, Headmaster NATO definitely played favorites when it came to the students, he still had to conduct an investigation on Russia's link to UN. However, the investigation didn't garner much, so he was let go with a warning.

Now, it was just the bullet wound keeping him from going back to the dormitory.

America peered at his phone, 12:25, he still had an hour until lunch ended. He made note of the missed calls from his parents, he still hasn't been talking to them as much.

America knocked gently at the door, it creaked open in return.

The American was greeted by Norway, a student healer.

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