The Noose.

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Startled from a peaceful slumber, America's eyes snapped open as the bedroom door crashed open with a thunderous bang. The sudden intrusion shattered the tranquility of his dreams, leaving him disoriented and distressed. His heart raced as he struggled to make sense of the abrupt awakening. 

The harsh creaking echoed in the room, blending with the racing thoughts in his mind. As the adrenaline surged, America sat up, scanning the disheveled room with a mixture of confusion and annoyance.  Peering over, the spot next to him was empty, his eyes then traced to the culprit of his rude awakening.

It was Canada.

"You're definitely not gonna like this one." Canada claimed as he abruptly sat on the edge of my bed, whipping out his phone showing me a picture.

The air hung heavy with an ominous stillness as an eerie silence blanketed the room. At the center of the photo, a chilling sight awaited – a menacing noose, ominously dangling from the ceiling. The living room, bathed in an otherworldly glow, seemed to warp and contort the more America focused on the rope.

The air, once filled with the ordinary cadence of life, now hung heavy with an immense feeling of dread. An ominous hush seemed to seep into every corner, as if the very essence of fear had materialized in the fading light. The creaking of old timbers and the distant howl of a lone wolf only intensified the eerie silence.

It was as if an invisible weight pressed upon the heart of the American. Nameless terror clung to the air like a shroud, signaling that something malevolent lurked just beyond the edge of perception, ready to unleash an unimaginable horror upon the group.

America sighed.

"I really don't want to fucking deal with this right now."

"I don't think anyone would." Canada rubbed my back, soothingly, "Everyone wants to go home but the blizzard has delayed us in doing so."

"Really? How bad is it?" America asked, not being able to see the direness due to his room being on the second floor, he was also more than willing to talk about something other than the dangling noose in the living room.

"Pretty bad. It's up to my waist." Canada offered.

America whistled, "So there really is no escaping then, huh?"

"We're definitely stuck, that's for sure."

"Where's Russia?"

"Trying to get the rope down." Canada huffed, "We'll see whether he's successful or not, there's no ladders so he had to stand on the coffee table. But even then, it's still a reach for a tall guy like him."

America peered out of the frost-kissed window into the relentless onslaught of a blizzard. The world beyond had transformed into an ethereal, monochromatic realm, each snowflake a miniature tempest in its own right. The wind, now howling with a renewed vigor, whipped the already thick blanket of snow into a chaotic frenzy. The landscape, once recognizable, was gradually swallowed by the white abyss, leaving only the skeletal outlines of nearby trees barely visible. The cabin itself creaked under the strain of the mounting snowdrifts, a testament to the escalating intensity of the storm. The isolation of the cabin was now palpable. They were alone out there.

Eerily, he heard the bedroom door creak open again. The rest of the countries in the cabin filed in, silently.

They stood around the bed with the American.

"Can we talk about it?" Netherlands requested, "Feels like we're sitting ducks 'cause we're too scared to point fingers."

"Well, who are we supposed to point fingers at?" India questioned, "I'm not quite sure about you but I trust everyone here."

Under her breath, Japan muttered, "I know exactly who to point the fingers at."

"Guys, please." America soothed, "I'm sure it's just an unfunny prank."

Germany sighed, "A prank? With a gun, a knife, and a noose?" A pang of pain warped through America's head, his hand, as always, found it's way to grip his hair.

"Amerika could be right-" Russia tried, only to be furiously interrupted by the Canadian.

"Of course you'd agree with him." He accused.

"Excuse me?"

"You're the only one here that's suspicious! Of course, you'd want us to believe it's just a joke!"

"It could be that simple, is all I'm saying."

"Hello? Do I need to remind you?" Canada mocked, "Gun, knife, noose!?" America headache considerably worsened, he groaned.

"Pardon!" He exclaimed, the group quieted down, "Look, we're getting no where. That's the whole reason why we can't just make wild accusations, the blizzard will calm down and then we can report it to Mr. NATO the minute we can." America reassured, then sighed again when another swell of pain enveloped his head, "But if you guys are gonna argue, do it outside."

The group awkwardly mumbled their apologies.

Mexico exclaimed, "Why don't we play a game to pass the time?" They all agreed.

Halfway through the game a chill crept through America's body, accompanied by a sudden wave of exhaustion that left his limbs heavy and unresponsive. A subtle shiver quivered through him, and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead. The warmth of the blankets became oppressive, and he tossed and turned, unable to find respite from the growing discomfort. Within the span of an hour, a fever took hold, turning his sanctuary into a furnace of relentless heat. His skin flushed with an unnatural warmth, and a delirium settled in, distorting the once-familiar room into a haze of disorientation. 

He heard a voice calling out to him, "America?"

"Yeah, sorry?"

"I've been saying your name for like 5 minutes, are you okay?" Germany inquired. Noticing America's flush, he placed a hand on his forehead. "Holy shit! You're warm!" America could barely make heads or tails of what Germany was saying. His vision was swirling and his hearing was coming in messy jumbles, worst of all he felt beads of sweat drip down his forehead and neck. He, all of the sudden, felt even worse than before.

Like he wanted to puke and sleep at the same time. 

"Holy shit, how'd you manage to get a fever in an hour?" Someone jokes, America felt his body being slid into a lying down position. "Do you have any fever medication, Russia?"

America never heard the answer.

He succumbed to the pull of sleep with a dazed surrender. His eyelids drooped slowly, shutting out the world in gradual increments. The room, once vibrant with the hum of life, blurred into soft contours, and sounds softened to a distant murmur. The edges of reality became hazy as his mind slipped into a dreamlike state, caught between wakefulness and slumber. The transition from consciousness to the tranquil world of sleep unfolded like a slow, gentle dance, leaving him enveloped in a hazy cocoon of peace.


short chapter compared to last but boy get ready for the next chapter omg

yall are gonna freak out

tell me some of ur theories☝️


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