The Knife.

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America's barely audible footsteps managed to echo in the desolate hallway. The impending doom hovering over him like a guillotine, he's just awaiting his sentence...

He gulped down a wad of spit that was stuck in his throat. 

Knowing UN, he'd somehow always be guilty.

His hand timidly knocked twice on the office door.

He heard papers shuffling before a rough, "Come in."

The worn handle felt colder under his trembling hand as he hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences of whatever awaited him on the other side. The soft creak of the hinges seemed to echo the uncertainty in his mind as he gingerly pushed the door open. The room beyond was bathed in the dim glow of a desk lamp, casting long shadows on the walls. UN, seated behind a large oak desk, looked up from a stack of papers with a stern expression. America's worried eyes met the principal's gaze, and he took a deep breath before stepping into the room, unsure of what lay ahead in this unexpected encounter.

"Looks like you finally decided to join me."

"I apologize." America quickly explained, "Ms. NASA kept us late."

"Did she?" America felt a pang of discomfort in his head. "Alright. Come sit." The organization gestured to the chair directly opposite him, the American quickly obeyed. Sitting facing UN was always a gamble.

Perhaps America looked in his eyes too challengingly,

Or wasn't sitting studiously,

Or maybe America wasn't focusing enough on UN,

Sitting directly in front of the organization always was consenting for him to analyze your every move.

"I've been thinking, Mr. DC... about the school." UN started, America's jaw tightened, paying attention to every word out of his mouth in the scenario of UN asking a question, "Perhaps being just a regular academy is too... plain."

America waited for him to continue.

"Of course, it's your freshman year so I wouldn't expect you to know how these... simpletons bring nothing but trouble."

America gulped, "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, sir." Questioning UN was like playing Russian roulette except every single bullet was in the gun besides one.

"Those without powers." America's eyes widened a fraction, "They're bringing our school down. How can we be the prestigious Pangea Academy with them constantly battering our school's reputation?"

"Surely kicking them out wouldn't solve it though?" UN's eyes pierced to America, causing him to flinch.

He said simply, "It would. I wish for the academy to now only train those who possess natural talents and prepare them for their life ahead. After all, wasting time for those who are destined not to shine too bright is not what I want my school to be known for."

America nodded along, nervously.

"Of course, don't worry too much. There's other facilities for those inferiorities." UN sighed, "The first way to start an academy for the powerful is always to set up a ranking system. Every school owns one."

America's eyebrows raised, he guesses UN is really going to go through with his plan.

"That brings me to my point, America." America's attention snapped back to the headmaster, "I need you to be our school's number one."

Pangea Academy's Number Two! (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now