Lovely Interruption [Chapter 7]

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Broken Clocks - SZA

⁠✿~Alicia Mercado Diaz~✿

My eyes landed on his dark red dress shirt, what the fu- "Alicia?" He mutters shocked.

So you're fiance is Dominic, could be worse.

This is worse!

Could have been a 70 year old pervert.

You right.


-2 hours before-

Me and Estelle walking out of the limo and into my grandmothers estate.

Lord don't let him be old as fuck.

I'll pray with you.

I suddenly feel very self conscious as hundreds of eyes shift to me.

"It's okay Alicia, your the Bride to be! Of course people are gonna look at you" Estella says attempting to calm me down.

"You say that as if I consented to this marriage" I deadpan and she gives me a tight-lipped smile.

"Hold on stay here I see pretty men who could do my bidding" Estella says and I laugh softly as she basically floats to the bar.

I sigh and zone out when I see Eduardo walking towards me with Jackie close behind him.

"How you feeling sis" He asks pulling me into a hug. Jackie comes up to him with a frown on her face.

"As normal as possible in this situation" I mutter and furrow my eyebrows together as Jackie hands me a small bag.

I open and find a box in it. I grab the box handing the bag to Eduardo and open to find a cute ring inside it.

I sigh and slip it on my ring finger not bothering to look at it in detail.

"Sorry we couldn't do anything to help hermana" Jackie says and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's okay, as long as you two are okay I'm fine" I say softly grinning. I really don't want this marriage.

Like what if I have begin to take interest in a certain person that I definitely didn't help a few weeks ago.

So convincing.

My number one cheerleader right there for real.

Aw thanks me.


I felt like I've walked around this place about a hundred times and I haven't found a man in red. I should be relieved but that just worries me more.

What if he's so old he had health issues on the way here and is in the hospital because he's that old!

You're making me feel more anxious!

...what! That's the most realistic thing that could happen.

I softly scoff at myself as I make my way into a huge garden.

Grandmother had style!

I see a figure sitting on a bench holding a pack of cigars and a lighter.

What a horrible way to get lung cancer.

Don't judge he might be going through a rough time.

"You know.. smoking's bad for you" I blurt out and I curse my self internally for saying that out loud.

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