Freedom [Chapter 2]

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☆⁠-Dominic Hernandez⁠-⁠☆

Reminder - The Weeknd Starboy

I got a call from my father yesterday informing me that apparently, I was a part of a Mafia deal before I was even conceived.

I hate my grandfather he trapped my father when he was young and did the same to me before I escaped and started my own business, but of course as soon I get my shit together he pulls me back in.

I love being stripped of my freedom on a Thursday morning.

Sucks to be you.

I swear to God if I'm marrying some hobo Im gonna strangle him.

Currently it's four am two hours earlier then I usually wake up, and I'm in the gym doing a workout to clear my mind.

My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts I do a few more pull ups before grabbing my phone and answering it.

My assistant /my childhood friend Alejandro, speaks through the phone.

choose one.

Leave me alone.

"Dominic you have a meeting today with the Mercado industry at 2pm. You have to fill in for you father and your sister Sofia will be joining you." He says sounding like he hasn't slept in days.

"Thanks, and get some sleep you sound like someone stepped on your throat."

I deadpan and he speaks again. "Aww you actually care for me or something-" He says before I cut him off by hanging up and I leave the gym.

I head to the bathroom to take a shower, after I catch up on some paperwork that I have been pushing back for the last few days, more specifically after the phone call with my father.

I can never really escape my grandfather can I. I check the time, 1:40, I sigh and get up to leave and head to the meeting.

I text my sister telling her I'm on my way to the building, and she responds with 'HURRY UP' and I scoff.

I enter the building to find my sister, Sofia waiting for me, "Finally you're here! You took forever." She says over exaggerating.

I roll my eyes as she walks ahead, dad told me to start including her and Leonardo into my business so they get some experience, but apparently Leonardo couldn't make it.

"It's only been ten minutes" I mutter following her into the elevator. She tends to have a habit of saying things as they are which half of the time gets her deemed as disrespectful, but that's just how she is.

"Exactly thats forever" she says pressing the elevator button to floor 12 out of 22 this place is really tall.

We make it to floor twelve and someone leads us to a meeting room.

" They will be with you shortly" The woman says before quickly leaving. A few minutes of silence pass before Sofia speaks.

"What if they are vampires?" I sigh before responding, what is wrong with her.

"Then they'll eat you first" She gasps, "What!? Why me!?" I shush her as I see people starting to enter, then a man enters the room probably in his late forties.

"Please excuse my absence" he speaks and two more people enter and I look forward to see-

"This is my daughter Alicia and my son Eduardo." No way that's actually her.


Alicia Mercado Diaz

No fucking way. What's with my luck this week, first I'm apart of some stupid arranged shit, then my dad's business partners son, turns out to be some shithead from highschool, aka a very specific shithead.

Dominic Hernandez in highschool he was 'popular' or whatever you wanna call it, swear he looked at a girl she would drop her panties for him faster then you could say fuckalicious.

It not like I always hated him, he just broke my unicorn pencil in the third grade and never said sorry and if you think a bitch won't hold a grudge I will bring that shit to hell with me.

I loved that unicorn pencil with all my heart, his name was William the third.

And other that that he was a dickhead, apparently he had a big one too, but hey, I'll never know, and I don't want to.


I'm taking away your speaking privileges.

I'd been lying if I said he hasn't aged well, by well I'm mean, damn that bitch is fine.

Sofia, I love that girl with my heart we still talk to this day. One thing though I feel bad for her since Mr extra fine is her brother, but hey i ain't complaining for shit.

I will continue to hate him TILL he buys me a new unicorn pencil I don't give a shit about the pencil I just wanna hear him apologize.

and maybe get on his knees for you

who said that!? That was not me.

I stare off into space in my own thoughts pretending to be intrusted, while some middle aged man with his hair line receding rambles on about some business stuff, with some goofy ass power point.

I try not to pay attention to the ass no other that Dominic sitting next to me who keeps softly shoving my ankles to get my attention. I look down at my notepad to see nothing. I hate taking notes.

I glare at him from the side to see smirking at me, gosh that smirk makes my knees weak...



I really can't tell if Alicia hates Dominic or is in love with him, but hey I don't blame her, when a motherfucker is fine he's fine. <3 P. S I KNOW I KINDA LEFT Y'ALL ON A CLIFFHANGER BUT I GOT TIRED OKAY 😩




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