Favorite friend? (part 2/last part)

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After school, Ricky and Gyuvin went to a cafe to study.

They both sat down and took out their books. 

"Lovelicky I will go order now ok?" Gyuvin said.

When Gyuvin said that Ricky was already taking out his wallet Gyuvin stopped him "I will pay it fine." before Ricky could even say anything gyuvin already went to order. Ricky just gave up and began studying.

"Lovelickyyy here is a cake and a milkshake! strawberry of course." Gyuvin said cheerfully while putting the tray in front of Ricky. Ricky thanked him with a smile.

Even if Ricky didnt say what he wanted gyuvin still knew what Ricky wanted.

They were studying sometimes taking a break eating desserts and talking just enjoying each other's company.

When they finished Gyuvin insisted on walking Ricky home.

They were now in front of Ricky's house. They hugged each other before saying goodbye.

"Thank you so much for today," Ricky said looking up at Gyuvin with his gummy smile while they were still hugging.

"Of course lovelickyy. So tomorrow after school we are going to the art gallery?" Gyuvin asked.

"Yepp!" Ricky confirmed.

"Ok...Good night Lovelicky" Gyuvin said before kissing Ricky on the cheek.

Even though they are only friends, they did kiss a couple of times (not on the lips).

"Good night Gyubi" Ricky smiled at the kiss.


Their hangouts (dates)

Tuesday: Art gallery, picnic

They loved the art but they got tired from walking and after the art gallery they had a cute picnic (date).

Wednesday: ice skating, movie

Gyuvin loved ice skating. He used to ice skate with his family all the time when he was younger. Ricky on the other hand never tried ice skating but Gyuvin helped him. He held Ricky and showed him how and by the end Ricky could do the basics. Later that day they went to the cinema to watch the Barbie movie.

Thursday: arcade, beach

They played a lot of games at the arcade and then went to the beach to relax and swim (not really).

Friday: amusement park

It was Friday afternoon. The school finished and they were heading towards the amusement park. They went in two cars.

1st car

Hanbin driver, Hao, Ricky, Gyuvin

2nd car

Taerae driver, Matthew, Jiwoong, Yujin, Gunwook

They finally arrived. 

There were so many people Hao, Yujin, and Ricky got scared (introverts). 

Gyuvin noticed Ricky's reaction and held his hand. 

"Dont worry lovelicky I am always beside you!" Gyuvin comforted Ricky which Ricky was grateful for "Thank you Gyubii."

"Let's go to the roller coaster ride first!!" Yujin said excitedly.

They all agreed. They were all pretty excited except for one person.

Ricky. He isn't a big fan of heights.

While they were getting closer Ricky's grip on Gyuvin's hand became stronger and stronger which again Gyuvin noticed.

"Are you sure you will go? You dont have to." Gyuvin said worriedly but Ricky denied saying he could do it. 

They waited in line till it was finally their turn. 

Gyuvin and Ricky were obviously seated next to each other while still holding hands.

Ricky just closed his eyes tightly letting himself be taken care of by Gyuvin who comforted him through the ride and in the end Ricky realized it wasn't that bad.

Well, it wasn't that bad because Gyuvin was there. He wouldn't know what to do if Gyuvin wasn't there.

The other rides weren't as scary they were very fun. They also bought some snacks and other things they liked. Without realizing they spent hours there and it was getting dark. 

Everyone knows that in an amusement park riding the Ferris wheel at night was the best.

Again they had to split up since they are a big group.

The groups were:

Hao and Hanbin

Matthew and Taerae

Jiwoong, Yujn and Gunwook

Ricky and Gyuvin

Ricky and Gyuvin were sitting in comfortable silence. They were just enjoying the view.

"Wow..." Ricky said mesmerized by the impressive view. He looked at Gyuvin to see his reaction to the view but Gyuvin was looking at him. They just stared at each other for a few minutes.

Suddenly Gyuvin released a big smile as he hugged Ricky tightly. 

"Lovelickyy," Gyuvin said.

Ricky chuckled at a clingy Gyuvin "Hm?" he replied.

"I love you" Gyuvin suddenly got serious looking into his eyes intensely.

"I love you too," Ricky replied but Gyuvin shook his head.

"No...I meant I love you not as my best friend I love you as my lover..." Gyuvin said nervously but still kept hugging Ricky not breaking the eye contact.

"And like I said...I love you too" Ricky said later chuckling at Gyuvin's surprised expression.

"You do?" Gyuvin asked to make sure.

"I do. A lot." Right When Ricky finished that sentence Gyuvin slammed his lips on Ricky. Kissing him passionately. He waited for this moment since forever.

Gyuvin's hand was on Ricky's cheek cupping Ricky's face and his other hand was wrapped around Ricky's waist while Ricky had his hands on Gyuvin's shoulder.

They just kept kissing and making out not knowing their friends were watching from their cabins.

"No way! Gyuvin confessed!"



"They are finally dating!"

"Yujin! Don't watch! Close your eyes!" 

"I am old enough to watch people kiss hyung!"

And that night Ricky and Gyuvin ended the day as an official couple.

The end.

What do we think?

Hope you enjoyed it!

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