Chapter 11- Flashbacks

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Clara's POV

Koda offered to drive us to the club since he'd been there before and was the least intoxicated of all of us.

I could feel the bass from the music in my chest and got a little lightheaded from all the lights and people.

So many bodies were crashing against each other while also moving on beat with the music.

Jolie held my hand while Koda pushed through people ahead of me.

The three of us found a spot on the dance floor where we could actually have enough room to move.

It was easy for me to just start partying with a random group of girls next to us, getting the other two to join us.

Jolie stopped me before I could get her to dance and pulled my face to her as she whispered,

"I hate to rain on your parade but he's here." She pointed to the left of our group.

As if he could get any hotter, of course he did.

Callahan Montgomery was at the exact club I was in. It was the first time I'd seen that face in months.

He had a white wife beater on with black jeans, his hair was longer and a mess over his sweaty face.

His body was rocking to the beat of the song and the lights seemed to do magic to him, making him look like he was in an edit.

"Tumblr Girls" was playing and he was lip syncing to every word with his group of friends I've never seen before.

His head rolled back and I realized a girl was dancing was with him. Not only was she dancing, but she was grinding on him.

I could feel a lump form on my throat and it became hard to breathe,

"Woah Clara are you okay? You look like you're going to pass out."

I did feel like passing out. I didn't even realize how long I was staring. I shouldn't have drank this much. I shouldn't have come to this club. I shouldn't have messed with Callahan. If only I'd known how bad he affected me.

I started to stumble over my feet before Koda caught me and pushed back through the crowd, finding a booth, Jolie following close behind.

I sat down and let my head drop to the table. Koda sat down next to me, obviously worried.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you a water?" Without replying to him, he automatically stood up and went to the bar to take care of me.

Jolie's POV

I knew Clara was this way because of Callahan. I saw him staring at our booth, well, staring at Clara.

He had a look of distraught on his face, while his new girl was still bending over in front of his waist.

I knew he felt sorry for what he did. I didn't want to tell Clara that. She would've went back to him in a heartbeat. I can't have her doing that.

He looked away quickly as I made eye contact with him, and went back to the girl. He turned her around to look at him, whispered something in her ear, and they walked off into the back of the club.

Clara's POV

Koda came back with a glass of water for me. I gratefully accepted it, thanking him as I did.

I took a few sips and laid my head back down on the table.

What was he doing here? Who was that girl? Why am I so worried about it?

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