Chapter 10 - The Bartender

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Clara's POV

It was 3 months after Callahan beat the shit out of my brother. 3 months since I had spoken to him. 3 months since I had felt his touch that I missed everyday.

Since that night I've done nothing but lurk around my house and dreading the new school year.

College would give me the opportunity to meet new people but I didn't want summer to end.

So in order to end my freedom the right way, I decided to go out with Jolie and get my mind off of things.

I put on a skimpy black dress with black high heels. I did a full face glam look and put on my best perfume.

I wasn't messing around. I needed another man to distract me from the pain the last one left me with.

I was proud of myself for not breaking and contacting him. Although some night I considered just texting him to feel something again. So I can't believe I've made it this long.

I grabbed a small purse and yelled goodbye as I walked out the door. I got into my car and went to pick Jolie up.

About 15 minutes later I pulled into her driveway. Jolie got into the passenger seat and gave me an amazed look.

"Wowwww, someone really went all out tonight. I love it." She giggled and put on her seatbelt.

"Thanks, I'm just doing it to distract myself."
It was far from being a lie.

"You know I will always be honest with you, right?" Jolie questioned me,

"Uh yeah but why?" My heart began to race a little bit,

"I was just thinking that, y'know, if you guys have gone 3 months without even speaking to each other, is it really worth being this upset over? He obviously is too much of a pussy to contact you and you don't need a baby in your life." Jolie seemed like she regretted saying anything as soon as she finished, but honestly she was right.

"I know, I know. I just can't not be upset about it. I mean, he was a lot to me. But that's why I'm planning on getting shit faced drunk and coming home with a dude I don't know the name of!" I laughed it off.

I knew I shouldn't be this upset over him. He was an asshole and I hate myself for giving into him so easily. I guess there's just some things that'll never change.

We arrived at the bar and walked in. We took a seat at the counter and ordered our drinks,

"I'll have whatever you think is the strongest." I wasn't holding back.

"I'll have a Bloody Mary please." Said Jolie.

"So Jolie..." I started,

"Have your eye on anyone in particular?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Um, I honestly don't know. I don't think it's anything serious but I don't know." Her face reddened.

"Oh come on, who is it? Is it someone from the campus?" I pried at her.

Jolie is going to college to become an art professor. I know that there are some pretty hot dudes in the artistic world.

"Yeah, he's in most of my classes. We talk every now and then and we even get coffee sometimes but we're nothing more than friends." Jolie admitted.

"Do you think you're nothing more than friends or do you just want to think you're nothing more than friends?"

At that moment the bartender came back with our drinks. He was fairly handsome. He had blonde, curly, hair and a sharp jawline. He had a very muscular build and I stared at his veiny forearms as he set down a tequila sunrise,

"It's not the strongest but it's one of my favorites."

His voice was extremely seductive. Deep but not enough that he constantly sounds like he's growling. He had gorgeous blue eyes and his skin was still sun tanned.

"Thank you..." I said with a blush growing across my cheeks.

"Thanks." Jolie said with a smile as he set her drink down.

"Well anyway what's this guys name?" I asked once he left.

"Are you going to totally ignore the fact that the bartender is totally into you??" She exclaimed.

"Oh I didn't really notice." I definitely noticed. I just thought I was desperate and looking for someone to be interested in.

We talked about Jolie's "not" boyfriend and the cute bartender for a while and before I knew it I was two drinks in and Jolie had just finished her first.

"Hey, I get off in like 15 minutes, would you wanna have a drink with me? On the house, of course. I'd like to get to know you." The bartender asked kindly while bringing us another round.

He seemed warm and friendly and not the pushy kind. Kind of the complete opposite of Callahan. I guess.

"Sure." I replied but looking at Jolie to make sure she was okay with it. She nodded her head, agreeing to it.

"Alright, cool, I'll see you in a bit then." His dimples flashed when he smiled.

"See ya." My heart was racing and my face was pink.

"Look at you miss man eater!" Jolie said with a smirk and nudging my arm.

"Oh stop it, it's one guy." Was I really a man eater? Or did I just miss the man that would eat me?

"I know I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Jolie replied.

15 minutes passed and I watch the blonde bartender come up to me,

"So you ready for that drink now?" He asked. 

"Absolutely." I said with a kind smile.

As soon as I started walking away I looked back and saw that a man had already taken my seat next to Jolie. I gave her a thumbs up and walked to a booth with the bartender.

"I'm Koda and you are?" He questioned me after we got a drink.

"Clara." I didn't want to give too much away to this guy I just met.

"That's a beautiful name but it fits a beautiful girl like you." He said with a small smile.

"Oh stop that," I giggled.

"So Clara, are you in college or do you just work?" He asked.

"Well I actually I start my first year in a few weeks. I'm studying psychology. I took a few years for a break after high school so I'm not excited to get back to school." I was nervous talking about myself so much. 

"That's awesome. I finishing my last year of biology this year." He continued to talk about college but I zoned out.

Callahan told me that he was studying biology before he dropped out after his mom died because of finances. It was the only time he ever talked about his family with me. 

We talked for a while and I had two more drinks with him. Jolie's guy left her so she came over to  us so she didn't have to be alone. 

"What was his problem?" I asked her when as she sat down in the booth next to me. 

"His girlfriend called." She laughed and pulled out her phone, scrolling through it.

"What an asshole." Koda chimed in and she laughed.

"He did mention a party at some club I never heard of. Maybe we should go." She was looking at the clubs address on her phone.

We decided that dancing with strangers would be more fun than sitting here drinking our life away.  

Heartless LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora