Chapter 5 - Apartment

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Clara's POV

My phone buzzed while Callahan was still down there.

"Shit, slow down, Cal. My dad is texting me about the noise."

He pushed three fingers in my entrance and my breath hitched.

He pumped them into me and lifted his head off me while also sitting up.

If my dad walked in and saw Callahan Montgomery butt naked with his daughter he would kill him.

Callahan kept a steady pace with his fingers but suddenly his head flung back.

I looked down to see his throbbing pink cock twitching.

He was climaxing without touch.

"I don't fucking care if your dad walks in now, we're finishing." He even looked down at himself now.

I wanted to capture this moment forever.

His tattoo covered body dripping of sweat and the thrill of being caught made me hit my climax in unison with him.

We didn't even have time to catch our breath before there was a knock at my door.

Callahan jumped off of me, grabbed his clothes and jumped out the window still naked.

"I'm coming in right now, Clara!" My dad's voice made me jump and I threw my comforter over me praying Cal at least had his clothes on now.

"What the hell is going on in here?!"

"What are you talking about??"

"The fucking moaning Clara!! The moaning!! This isn't a damn whore house! I thought I raised you better than this!"

"That wasn't me, Dad." I was always so bad at lying.

"Then who the hell was it?? It surely wasn't your brother!"

I was in deep shit now.

"Did you ever think that Jaxon had a girl over and she was the one moaning?"

"Jaxon! Open your door right now!" He yelled as he stormed out of my room.

I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm sure that if he thinks it's Jaxon he won't be mad at him at all he'll just be proud.

I texted Jaxon asking him to cover for me,


"and what do I get in return? You better hurry before dad busts down my door."

"Whatever you want but please please cover for me!"

"okay stay away from Cal and we have a deal."

What the fuck is his problem with me and Cal?? And why does he always think I want him??

"What the big deal with Callahan, Jaxon?? Are you secretly fucking him or what??"

"No, Jesus. I just want you to stay away from him, he's going to hurt you on of these days and you better not come crying to me"


The next morning

"Well," my father started. My heart skipped a beat he sounded serious.

" After that little problem last night, I will start checking in on you before you go to bed."

Me and Jaxon both stared at each other with wide eyes.

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