Chapter 15: I Found You

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3rd person pov:

As keigo reaches for Dabi's hand. Aizawa steps in and pulls Keigo away by his wrist.

Aiz:"You are to stay away from that thing until we deal if it's trust worthy, or if you're charmed. Making deals isn't helping your case. Now get back to your room. I'll have one of the sisters bring you food."

As keigo looks back. He sees dabi reach for him, but pulls back. As a sarrow expression comes across his face. Then he turns around and flys up to the attic.

Dabi:"If he isolates. So will i."

Aizawa throws keigo into the room before locking him inside.

Kei:"This isn't right! We're not the villians here! We were victims!"

After aizawa walks away. The ceiling trials move above the bed. That's when keigo turns to see dabi sneaking in.

Dabi:"What a downer."

Keigo runs up and kisses dabi before embracing him. Yet, as dabi is around to return the favor. He stops and pushes keigo away.

Dabi:"The feelings you have are what remains of the charms I used on you. Give it a few days. Then we'll see how you really feel."^I don't want you living with regret once I'm gone.^

Kei:"Then why have you come?"

Dabi:"I'm just checking on my master. Now that I know you are in good hands. I'll be leaving."

As dabi leaves. Keigo feels his chest aches. A longing for someone to hold him.

Once he's gone. Keigo was given something to eat and a text to read.

Nagant:"Remember your teachings, father. It will guide you back in his arms."

After she leaves. The search continues for five days, and keigo isn't allowed to leave. Though he's given the equipment to take a sponge bath.

On day six, there's a meeting. One that doesn't include keigo or dabi.

Enji:"We've searched everywhere, and there's no body to be found."

Aiz:"There is two rooms left to search. Let's start in the attic."

Enji grits his teeth and agrees.

While dabi slept. His door is broken down and the two enter his room.

Dabi:"What's going on here!?"

Aizawa pushes dabi out of the way to search.

Aiz:"If he tries to get in the way. Exorcise him."

Dabi:"What the fuck?"

Aizawa searches everywhere. Even ripping boards off the walls and floor.

Aiz:"It isn't here."


Dabi:"What's going on?"

Enji:"Your master is hiding your body from you. Which means he's guilty and will be put to death for making a deal with demons. Along with the murder of izuku midoriya."

Dabi:"He wouldn't. You didn't see what happened. He's innocent!"

Dabi grabs enji's shirt and lifts him up to eye level.

Enji:"If you don't release me. I'll have to destroy you."

As aizawa walks out of the room. Dabi releases enji and runs at him.

Dabi:"What if I make you a promise. No deals at all. Kill me and let him go. I won't fight back or talk to anyone until my soul has returned to hell. I used that human. He's innocent."

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