Chapter 11: Carnage of His Claws

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The following contains subject matter that may be disturbing for some readers. (Rape, gore, abuse, ect.) Read at your own risk.

3rd person pov:

As dabi stands up. Tomura walks over to keigo and grabs his hair to force the priest to watch.

Kei:"Dabi?- gh ah!"

Shig:"Looks as if our plan is going forward. Now eat up. Just be sure to make it last."

Dabi bows, and when he lifts his head. The demonic gaze glows In the dark. As a deep undertones hiss speaks with dabi.

Dabi:"Yes, Master."

Dabi grins ear to ear with joy. As drool drips off his chin.

The sixteen year old izuku cries out in fear. Only for soft whimpers to change to deafening moans of agony.

Dabi's grip on izuku's left arm causes the bones in his wrist to creek loudly. Crackles follow before a loud pop echoes. Izuku howls out and thrashes around. As sounds of wet leather rubbing is his skin and muscles stretching.


Tissue rips as his severed limb is being turned around.

Dabi lifts the arm high and sticks out his tongue to slurp up the thick gelatinous liquid within the bones to drop in his mouth.

Izuku contorts, and the wrapping around his face begins to sag. Causing him to now bite the cloth. As tears weigh down his blindfold. Eyes look to see the priest's expression of shear horror as dabi cleans the limb like a chicken leg. After that, keigo closes his eyes.

Izu:"Faher hiegm?" ^Don't blame yourself . This isn't your....... fault.^

Kei:"Stop this. It isn't right....... Kill me instead! Let the boy go. He's done nothing to deserve this."

As keigo begins to cry. Tomura snaps his fingers to order dabi to stop.

Shig:"If you hadn't returned home. None of this would've happened.  Though let's be fair. This isn't his first. Orphans have been sent here for years. Yet none ever see the sun again once inside these walls. So tell me. Does he frighten you?"

Tomura jerks Keigo's head back up to look at izuku.

Shig:"This is your fault."

With another snap of his fingers. Dabi digs his claws into izuku's torso. Pulling out his entrails and eating them like pasta. The gushing sounds ring in Keigo's ears, and the smell of bial tickles the nose. Burning every moment to memory. It's a few moments before izuku starts to grow quiet and go limp.

Once dead, tomura let's keigo go and walks away while dabi continues to eat.

Kei:"I'm sorry.......... I'm sorry."

He says on repeat for several minutes. As keigo begins to pray. Dabi finishes up and walks over. Grabbing Keigo's chains and unhooking them from the wall. He then throws keigo into the puddle of blood and looms over him.

As he goes to except his death. Dabi instead straddles him and growls. That's when tomura returns

Shig:"I almost forgot something. Oh pet~."

Tomura kisses dabi, and both embrace. As their hands frisk one another. Tomura slaps Dabi's ass.

Shig:"Save it for him. Now, fuck him until he's obedient. "

Dabi licks his lips and forces himself onto keigo. Tungue licking the blonde's neck before ripping off his clothes.

As keigo trembles. Dabi chuckles and begins to fondle the priest who's too traumatized to speak.

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