Chapter 5: Snapped Hope

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3rd person pov:

As keigo sits down at his desk to write the report. He hears a squeak coming from just outside his office door. He chooses to ignore it.

Kei:"I can't be destracted."^Right now many lives are in danger. So this takes priority.^

Long through the night, he writes with two types of ink and quills. Once finished, he opens the door and sneaks out in the middle of the night. Once outside, the blonde goes to open the gate. Only to stop when he sees light coming from the storehouse.

Part of him wants to send the letter, but his curiosity gets the best of him. So he walks over and peeks through the cracked door.

Boxes stacked high, and a shadow of someone looking in them can be seen.

Kei:^ It's probably just Tomura hiding something.^

Just as he's about to look away. The human shaped figure grows wings.
Startled by this. Keigo jumps back and falls onto his butt. Causing the priest to drop the letter.

As long black nails grasp the door to force it open. Blue eyes glow down at him. Sharp fangs shine in the moon light.

As a thin rope like tail comes for him. Keigo stumbles and gets to his feet. Eyes focused on the gate to leave. Only for the beast to fly overhead and widen its wings to block any escape.

Kei:^Not good! not good! Not gooood!!^

Keigo turns and heads inside the church.

Kei:^It shouldn't be able to be on hallowed grounds. So why is it here.?"

With panted breath. Keigo runs into the church in hopes of hiding.

Wings flap by while Keigo hides between pews.

A few moments pass, and keigo looks both ways before heading for the door. Not noticing something has landed above him.

As keigo is about to stand up. A hand reaches down and grabs him by the hair. With a yank. Keigo is violently forced to his feet. Neck now exposed.

Keigo closes his eyes in fear. Only to open them after he's pinned to the pew. He head hangs out in the walkway as tomura walks up to him.

Shig:"You just couldn't stay out of my business. I've dealt with many spys from the church, but none have come up with stories as well made as yours. So I've played into it, and I gotta say. Your acting is amazing."

Tomura has Keigo's letter in hand and holds it over a candle.

Kei:"Wait don't!"

As it burns. Hope fades from his eyes.  Tomura then kneels down.

Shig:"Luck is on your side priest. My pet here likes you. So we'll make use of you in time."

Kei:"They'll notice my disappearance. Once the church finds out. They'll send executioners for your head."

Tomura grabs Keigo's chin to lift his head. Only for the priest to sput in his face.

Shi:"Take him away. Once he's out of the public space. Cut out his tongue and crush his hands. That way, he can't tell anything about this."

Kei:"You're the real monster-"

The beast's tail wraps around Keigo's head to force his jaw open like a gag.

Hands grasp Keigo's wrists as it takes flight. Only to fly him up to the attic.

Once in the empty space. Keigo is thrown onto the bed made from old blankets. The creature lights up a lantern and sits by the only exit.

Keigo sits up and sees the raven haired male sitting across from him. Body covered in burns. Only leather pants cover the creature as it watches keigo.

Kei:"What are you?"

"Get some rest. Tomorrow, we start."

Kei:^It's not attacking me like it was ordered to do.^

As keigo sits up. It flares it's wings out as a threat.

"If you get up. I'll be forced to restrain you. So lay down human."

Keigo lays down and curls up with rosary in hand. He mentally resights prayers for each bead until he falls asleep. By morning, he wakes to the sounds of arguing. When he opens his eyes. Keigo sees the moment when tomura stands over him with a hammer.

Shig:"I gave you an order. If you won't do it. I'll have to kill him."

The beast wraps it's tail around Tomura's arm.

"If you kill him. Then the plan fails. Now leave us. Once you get enough. He'll be released as an insane patient."

Shig:"You had no problem killing before. Even children were fare game. So why is this one different? No matter. Just make use of him."

Once the tail releases tomura. The hammer comes down and breaks both of Keigo's legs.


Shig:"Don't disobey me again, Or the next one to get hurt will be you."

Tomura leaves the room after dropping the hammer.

As keigo cries out in pain. The beast walks over and straddles the priest.

Kei:"If you're gonna kill me. Just do it already!"

"The name's Dabi."

Keigo glares up to see the beast kiss him. Startled by this. Keigo pushes it away and tries to crawl for the door. Only to realize the pain is fading.

Kei:"W....what did you do to me?"

Dabi leans in to whisper.

Dabi:"Make a deal with me and I'll let you go."

Kei:"I'll never make a deal with a demon."

With a heavy sigh. Dabi grabs Keigo's shirt and rips it off him.

Dabi:"Don't say I didn't warn you."

As keigo goes to crawl away again. Dabi's tail pulls him back before wrapping around to restrain him.

He then leans in close to sniff Keigo's neck.

The priest tries to pull his arms down to push dabi away. Only for the tail to slam his wrists back down.

Dabi:"That smell. How unique. Makes me wanna have a taste."

Dabi then licks Keigo's neck. Causing the priest to whimper and close his eyes. Cheeks red with embarrassment as he shudders to plead for the demon to stop.

Kei:"P.....please don't."

Dabi rips off Keigo's pants. Causing the priest to gasp.

Dabi:"You're mine now."

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