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((Also-warning-for-graphic-content(violence)-and-minor-digestion(prey lives),-not-really-canon-but-slightly-i-tried.))

Killer was walking through Snowdin, which was now completely desolate from what he had done. It was lonely, though he had Color to comfort him from the loneliness. He sometimes had little outbursts when Color wasn't around. 

Chara and he had fused, and they had killed the entire underground. It was a unique experience and he sort of enjoyed it, though it felt wrong too.  After that, he had joined Nightmare, though he was starting to regret that choice, everyday he started to feel more hatred towards Nightmare.

Color had tried to get him to stop but Killer refused and continued to do it. More so out of fear than anything, but then again, he felt stronger than ever. 

Killer saw Nightmare in the distance, wearing a smug grin as always. "Killer, I nee-"

Killer threw a knife at him, his face displaying annoyance and rage, "leave." Killer commanded in a monotone voice.

Nightmare was pissed that his most loyal subject would do something to him. "remember what happens when you treat me like this." Nightmare grinned even more. "I like to play with my food before eating it

Killer just stood there, processing what that meant, his eye sockets widened in shock. He took his knife out and got ready to fight, though his arm was quickly held down by one of Nightmare's tentacles and he was dragged towards him.

Nightmare quickly through Killer up in the air before using a tentacle to slam him down. 

"Which limb should I break first?" Nightmare cooed in a sing-song tone to mock Killer. He then looked at the hand where Killer was holding the knife. "Which arm do you use the most?"

Killer glared at Nightmare, the liquid from his eyes dripping onto his shirt and the snow. Nightmare only replied with a smug grin.

"No answer, does that mean both?" Two of the tentacles on the goopier skeleton's body moved towards Killer's arms, the tentacle that was originally holding him. The tentacles tightened on both of his arms, progressively getting more and more tight until it felt like they were one squeeze away from cracking.

Killer didn't budge or scream, that was what Nightmare wanted away, he would of made a sly comment but didn't want to provoke him any further. He was hoping if he kept quiet Nightmare would eventually leave him alone after realizing torture wasn't working.

Nightmare's eyes slant as they realize Killer isn't budging or screaming, so the tentacles release a bit, drooping Killer on the ground.

While it wasn't long before another tentacle picking him up by the neck and slamming him against the wall. Nightmare then pulled Killer back towards him, with a questioning expression, expecting maybe a few screams of pain and a little more. 

A cold stare was all he got in return, the goopy skeleton was a bit disappointed from the lack of reaction. An idea popped into his head, giving Killer a mischievous  grin.

Killer stared back at Nightmare with a bit of fear in his eyes, he knew that grin was that nothing good was going to come from it. The goopy from his eyes stopped dripping as he tried to get out of the grip.

"Did your pathetic feelings got the best of you?" He glared at Killer. "It was the rainbow freak wasn't it?" Nightmare used a tentacle to lift up Killer, pulling him toward the goopy skeleton.

He waited for a response, his one cyan eye staring down at Killer, "Not one word..? Guess it doesn't matter, you're about to be lunch away." 

Killer was filled with confusion before it hit him like a truck, he tried to get out of the grip but the tentacle gripped him even harder.

Instead of being put into Nightmare's mouth, he was pressed again the goopy skeleton's body. The goop on him began to shortly cover the other skeleton, pulling him deeper into Nightmare. This lead to a bit of tingles of pain, which was rare for Killer, usually he can hardly feel any pain.

He was lucky to have high pain tolerance, though this was just the beginning. After being fully absorbed into Nightmare, he was moved into a cramped cyan area, it was made of ecto-flesh. Though it was a bit rough and slightly spikey.

"Enjoy your stay." Nightmare teased, the skeleton could feel something of a hand rubbing against his head. 

The area got a bit warmer as liquid began to fill it, the "muscles" of the stomach began to grind against him. The slight spikes of the walls cut him, causing him to bleed a bit.

"Listen here partner," Killer heard a voice call to him. "I know this is your boss and all, but if we don't get out of here, we're done for. So either you toughen up, or I take control." Killer nodded and tried to get some room to think, most weapons melt Nightmare's goop, but that's just on the outside.

Since he's on the inside, if he can grab a weapon, maybe he can escape! Killer remember his knife in his pocket and stabbed the stomach wall. He cut through before jumping out of the stomach, covered in goop.

The white skeleton then teleported away, going back to judgement hall. "what's with the goop all over ya?"

Killer looked up to see Color, how he could not be happier to see him. He just smiled for a moment. "nightmare ate me and tried to digest me." Killer mumbled the last 3 words.

Color was too shocked to speak but went to go comfort his friend. 

blabla happy end for killer ya and convinces chara to umm not be murdery or something

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