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(Name) was against a tree, currently injured and bleeding out from the fight with Toriel in the ruins. They had burn wounds and cuts from falling on the ground, they could be in better shape.

Their hp was down by 70% and was dropping quickly, though they managed to get the wounds to stop aching. The dropping of their hp stopped, leaving it at 10%. 

This still wasn't good, they were EXTREMELY vulnerable now, and they could be killed at any moment. While they could respawn, it was NOT a good or fun process by any means.

The injured human quickly got up, their body ached as they continued walking, the snow crunching beneath their feet. The cold compared to the warmth of their wounds made (Name) feel discomfort and a bit of pain.

(Name) slowly walked towards the bridge on the other side, trying to get to the next part of the underground so they could find a good place to rest. 

Though it didn't seem like they would ever get rest, most monsters tried to kill them so far. Toriel was the only exception, well until she tried to kill them as well for wanting to leave.

"..." (Name) walked towards  the bridge, wanting to just jump off it and end their suffering. They of course, decided against it,  they needed to get back home, they had people that cared for them.  All they needed to do was get to a save point and they'd be healed back up again. 

(Name) continued on until the heard footsteps behind them, the injured human quickly turned around, making sure another murderous fiend wasn't behind them.

It was nothing,  (Name) let out a soft silent breath of relief. They continued to shuffle towards the bridge, their heart pounding could be heard through their ears. 

There it was again, footsteps coming towards them, this time, it stopped a lot quicker. (Name) then again turned around to see nothing.

(Name) continued forward, about to step on the bridge when suddenly the footsteps started again. The footsteps stopped when they felt something right behind them.

They turned around to see a skeleton with sharp teeth, one being gold, and a one bright glowing red eye in one socket. He is wearing a black jack with spiky fluff on the hood and collar, he has red sweater underneath it and a gold chain around his neck. He also had some black shorts with a yellow stripe on the side and red and white shoes.

(Name) froze up, they were too scared to even move right now. They backed away from him, crossing on to the bridge. 'Weren't skeleton's usually dead? ' (Name) thought as they continued to back away. 'To be fair, I did just meet a walking, talking goat. A skeleton somehow being able to walk isn't TOO surprising.'

"Hello there?" (Name) is still a bit scared but not as much now.

"human, don't ya know how to greet a new pal?" The skeleton held out his hand.

(Name) was hesitant to take his hand, mostly because of how suspicious he was, they just stared at his hand.

"you gonna- nevermind." he sighs. "well, my brother's a human huntin' fanatic. i was originally gonna turn ya in, but I'm feeling a bit hungry." 

The human's heart dropped for a moment, they were pretty nervous right now. The skeleton began walking towards them, he teleported next to them and pinned them down.

"you even look tasty." He purred, a weird red glowing tongue snaked out of his mouth as he licked (Name). Some red saliva fell on to their skin, they were disgusted by this of course, not only by the manners but he had the balls to lick them in the face.

(Name) tried to punch him in the face, but their arms were quickly held down. They sighed, knowing this was the end for them, they expected to be bitten, but found the tongue getting closer to their face.

He then put their head in his mouth, his tongue snaking along their face. HE WAS ENJOYING THIS?! (Name) was even more angered by it but couldn't really do anything. He then gave a hearty swallow, sending their head and shoulders down his throat.

The throat muscles began squeeze and push them down even further, they were surprised by how quick the muscles were working. Their head quickly entered the stomach, which was tight but more roomy then the throat and mouth. 

It wasn't too long until the rest of them followed, soon they were now entirely in there. The space was tight, and oddly fleshy despite the creature that swallowed suppose to be having no flesh. It was.. very odd. The muscles in the stomach began to contract and squeeze them, almost if it was happy to have something in there.

It was also transparent, since the skeleton lifted the shirt up, they could see a bit the outside world, though it was slightly blurry.

"humans do taste good, guess the legends were true," He snickered, "enjoy your stay, you aren't getting out of there anytime -" The skeleton was quickly cut off.

"SANS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Another louder voice asked, though it was muffled by the stomach walls. 

(Name) could see the skeleton quickly zip up his jacket, hearing a loud zipping sound. 

"uh, nothing chief." Sans tried to hide that he had a human inside of him. 

"..YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR HIDING SOMETHING." The voice was a bit closer and easier to hear now.

"i'm just in a sour mood, leave me alone!" Sans walked away, and walked.. somewhere. Though through the shifting of the stomach they could tell he was laying down

"anyways, hope your comfy, you are not getting out any time soon." He grumbled and fell asleep.

It been a while since then, and you have been freed from that fleshy prison. Eventually, you freed the underground. Though Sans has become your friend , but sometimes he still sneaks up on you and does that.

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