Yandere Blueberry

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It's been a few years since the monsters have been freed. They've currently been adjusting to human life just fine, not much different from their own. Though humans themselves aren't too used to monsters, they don't like monsters that much.

The missing 6 children from years ago had gone to the mountain the monsters were sealed under, and never returned. Who's to say more humans won't disappear if the monsters aren't sealed? The monsters are responsible for the children's disappearance.

(Name) didn't care about were or not the monsters were behind the human disappearances, they just hoped it wouldn't happen again. Plus, it's probably only one monster anyway, if a monster was behind it anyway.  It didn't matter. 

(Name) had a couple monster friends and they were really sweet anyway, they doubted any of them would kill a human, never the less a child!

"Name! Come over here!" It was one of their best friends, (F/N).

(Name) walked over to them and gave (F/N) a high five. "So, what did you call me over for?" (Name) asked.

"I'm going to a party tonight, wanna come? The owner said I could bring a plus 1." 

"Maybe, what's it about?" (Name) didn't like parties unless they were fun and had good food.

"There is gonna be a DJ, sweets, five-star dinners, we're gonna have a monster do some magic tricks and there will be arcade games as well." (F/N) said.

"Did you get invited to millionaire party because that expensive!" (Name) was shocked at what their friend described, that seemed like it would be an amazing party. "I'll go." 

"Good! Now see you later! It'll be at 6:15pm and ends at 11:00pm. It's a huge house near the forest on the east side of town."  (F/N) walked away, leaving (Name) alone.

It was pretty loud and noisy in this town, it was large. Though (Name) knew this city by the back of their hand.  It was 2:34pm at the moment, so they had decided they would head near the address until they were a few blocks away. So then they wouldn't have to rush to get there.

(Name) walked towards the mansion, it wasn't time to party or anything, but they just wanted to just look around. There were a couple houses next to it, one of which was a two story house and looked to have snow on the top of the house and Christmas lights on the top and bottom roof.

'Guess I could wait outside a bit.'  (Name) sat down a few meters away from the mansion, so they weren't fully on the property yet.

(Name) looked at the clock and it was time, they knocked on the door and were let in. The place looked nice, neat and tidy, it had food set in a well polished dining room, there were cakes on it like promised. 

The place was empty, expect for the host and (Name) it seemed more like a ball then a party though. (Name) felt like they were invited into some coronation ball then a party party.

"This place looks.. meticulous!" (Name) complemented, they just used  a random fancy word they new in hopes it would impress the host with their vocabulary.

"Thank you, I try my best." The host smiled at them.

DING! Host went to go get the doorbell and a skeleton wearing a blue scarf and gray battle-body armor. (Name) examined the door to see if their friend was there, they weren't there yet.

"Hmpf, kind of boring." (Name) looked at the table, waiting for something interesting to happen. 

It had been 3 hours but their friend still hadn't shown up.  (Name) was sorta anxious since the party had went from just a few people to 50 people. (Name) decided to stay around the host, not having much else to do anyway. 

"So, how are you doing?" (Name) sheepishly asked.

"I'm doing fine." The host seemed to just brush them off, (Name) shrugged and went to go hang around somewhere else, going outside.

(Name) was chilling in the backyard, which was the forest, laying next to a bush. They were chilling their before they heard some footsteps, it was the host and the skeleton from earlier.

"So, what did you need from me again?" The host looked around, a obviously confused.

The skeleton stayed silent before stabbing the man in the chest with a knife, dragging the body into the forest.

(Name) was shocked and hid in a bush, trying to hide. It seems their attempt was flimsy as the skeleton began to speak. "You know I can see and hear you right now?" He walked over to the bush to see (Name) inside.

(Name) was scared and jumped out of the bush and ran away, though it seemed he was quickly catching up to them. He threw a bone at their leg, making them fall to the ground. 

He picked them up and grabbed their shoulders before slowly putting their head inside his mouth. His mouth is a bright blue and it glows, not a lot but sort of like a weak light. (Name) was panicking, they didn't want to get eaten at all. They tried to pull their face out of his mouth, but his grip was strong. He began to lick their face before swallowing their head, putting it inside of his throat.

His throat was the same shade of blue but a lot tighter, it was practically squeezing (Name). (Name)'s upper torso were in his mouth now, but he soon swallowed those as well. (Name's head was now in his stomach, which seemed quite spacious, well compared to the mouth and throat. 

The rest of (Name's body soon fell into this weird monster's stomach, which was sort of transparent and glow like the mouth and throat as well. (Name) began to squirm, they didn't want to die here! It was weird and gross, not to mention wet. 

"LET ME OUT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE!" (Name) began to 'hit' the stomach walls weakly not enough to for it to hurt but it was uncomfortable.

"Well, you won't die but your certainly not getting out, can't have you leaving me so soon." He said.

(Name) was relived that they wouldn't die, but they certainly were not gonna stay here any longer. This place was too gross and icky for them. (Name) felt something from the outside rub their head a little, it felt like a hand.

"I don't ever want you too leave me ever again."

By the sound of that, they probably won't be leaving anytime soon.

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