Chapter 12: A Whole New Start

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Your P.O.V.:
You scrubbed the wall of a public bathroom yet again.
Yato's jobs were proving to be more and more ridiculous each time they came along.
"Almost done yet?" Yato turned to ask you and Yukine, as you picked at a stray strip of rust on a sink.
"I've been done since you made me your regalia," Yukine muttered, tossing his health mask across the room.
Yato glared while also finishing his side of the bathroom.
"You know, you guys should take these jobs as a privledge." He said, placing his hands on his hips.
"How can I take 5 yen as a privledge?! I can barely buy a tissue with that!!" Yukine bickered, becoming annoyed.
"Well maybe you should appreciate that tissue! You earned it!" Yato shot back.
Becoming annoyed with the situation, you rolled your eyes.
"Will you two shut the hell up?!" You screamed at the two, as they shuddered back in surprise at your sudden outburst.
"Honestly, I don't know how you guys made it without me," you growled, crossing your arms.
"Sorry..." They both said quietly, turning their backs to each other.
"Now, about other things.." you said consciously tapping your chin.
"Me and Yukine have uh.. places to be.." you whispered, hoping that Yato didn't hear.
Yato's eyes perked up, as he dawned a demeaning smirk on his face.
"Oh.. you guys goin' on a date?"
You and Yukine both blushed, looking away from each other.
"Yeah, something like that.."
You laid out a plaid blanket on the ground, as Yukine came over with a picnic basket full of a variety of meals.
This wasn't any ordinary date though, the location was all but unfamiliar.
A cherry petal rained down on your nose, falling from the tree that stood high above you.
You picked it off, holding it delicately in your palm.
Yukine sat down next to you, along with the picnic basket.
"This may just be my new favorite place," you said cheerfully, drawing your attention to your family's home. It made you calm and happy, just as the river previously had.
It was just your sister who was playing outside though, skipping rocks onto a pond that was clearly visible from where you were sitting.
"Mine too," Yukine said, reaching into the basket and retrieving an apple.
You watched your younger sister, her sounds of laughter filling up your ears.
You yearned to be laughing with her.
You leaned your head on Yukine's shoulder.
He tensed up a bit, but relaxed as time went on.
You were both becoming more and more comfortable with each other, the more time you spent together.
Really, as much as you two had been through, you might as well have been okay with sleeping together.
(Not sexually you naughty naughty! (σˋ▽ˊ)σ)
"We should go see your sister too," You suggested.
"I want to, but.. I don't know where she is." Yukine sighed, taking a small bite out of his apple.
Your eyebrows creased together, as you focused your vision on the pond instead of your sister.
"We'll find her, I promise.." You whispered.
All in all, you weren't sure where Miyu was. The only lead you had to go on was the first place Yukine had seen her.
She could've been anywhere..
But it didn't matter. This was all about finding what you both valued most, and you weren't giving up on Yukine if he didn't give up on you.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Yukine asked, your name dancing on his tounge.
"Mm?" You hummed in response. "Do you think Miyu is happy?" He said, you could sense the concern in his voice.
You looked up at his face, his sunset hues reflecting failure.
"I dont't know.. I would hope she is.." You said, hoping to cheer him up.
"What if she's unhappy because of me..?" Yukine asked, his hand drooping, the apple he previously held fell to the ground and rolled away.
"Don't you dare blame yourself, Yukine." You said sternly, as you reached for his hand.
"Even if she is unhappy, it isn't because of you. And I promise, we'll find a way to make her happy again." You said, your fingers grasping onto his.
"We'll find a way to be happy.." you said retrieving thr stray apple off the ground, and handing it back to Yukine.
Surely, he hesitated before grabbing the apple, but eventually grabbed it.
As if on cue, your sister turned to look at you, her eyes lighting up as if she could actually see you.
She ran over towards you, your heart beating faster and faster as she did.
You leaned up from Yukine's shoulder, being careful to not get ahead of yourself.
She ran until she reached the edge of the picnic blanket, standing right before you.
You and Yukine both looked at her with wide eyes, as she bent down, picking up a dandelion.
She stared at it in awe, before skipping back towards your family's home.
"Mommy, I got you a present!!!"
You smiled, beginning to giggle out loud.
Yukine too began to laugh, as you both were doubled over in pain from excessive laughing.
Luckily, it wasn't taking long for you to be happy.

Okay, guys!! I'm sorry that ending was probably terrible. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the rest of this chapter! One thing though: Yukine is such an adorable little dork. ( ^ω^)
Okay that, and thank you so much for 4k reads, it makes for an awesome ending present. Yes, ending present. This story has one chapter left. But do not worry! I have decided to continue with a sequel! (*˘︶˘*)
Yay!! Anywho, thanks for sticking with me along the way!! Ily guys so much!!- Drama Typhoon

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