Chapter 2: Chills

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Your P.O.V:
You and Yukine stood beside an ancient pole in Tenjin's shrine. You were currently trying to figure out a way to break it to Yato that you wanted to know about your past, but no matter how much you thought about it, you just couldn't.
Yato wasn't the type to just blab on about serious things like your and Yukine's past, especially since you both died before you were supposed to.
"What's he doing?" Yukine quietly whispered, peeking just barely over your shoulder.
"I think he's reading a book.. probably some stupid thing he got from a merchant." You snickered at the thought.
Yato is so gullible.
"The merchant probably told him there were some old spells in there, and he probably believed it. Like a spell that'll make him the best god ever," Yukine chuckled, sending you both into a hushed-laughing fit.
You both fell to the ground, tired from your excessive amount of giggling.
"What's so funny?"
You and Yukine both froze in your very spots when you looked up to see Yato standing over the both of you, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Uh.." You tried to think of something, but your brain failed to cooperate.
"You being a god is pretty much a joke within itself." Yukine intervened, sending you into another round of giggles .
Yato sighed and rolled his sea-blue eyes.
"Joke's on the both of you. Gods and regalia share body and mind, remember? I know exactly what you both want."
Your lips pinched closed, and so did Yukine's.
I forgot about that... We're screwed..
"I'm not telling either of you, though." Yato smirked, in his usual 'clowning' ways.
"What? We deserve to know!" Your mouth dropped.
"You deserve to know, but you don't need to." The raven haired boy leaned against the pole.
Your eyebrows fell into a glare. "Yato, this isn't a joke. We want to know about our families and our friends. We want to know about the real us."
Yato's expression turned into a more serious one, his soft blue eyes taking on a more icy tone.
"I gave you both a name, you both a place to go when you didn't have anywhere to go. Your past lives are irrelevant. Learning about them would only make you wish you had something that you can't have."
You looked down, as Yato turned and walked away from you both.
Why wouldn't he just tell you? All you wanted was closure.
Yukine stood up from the ground, and harshly grabbed your wrist.
"We don't need Yato. We'll do this on our own." Yukine said sternly, tugging at your wrist in an effort to get you up.
"But, Yato is our only connection... How do we figure anything out without him?" You silently whispered, starting to feel dissapointed that he was your only option.
"We don't need him." Yukine said once again, his sunset eyes boring into yours.
You were going to say something, but Yukine's eyes forced your lips closed as if he was controlling you. Something just forced you to trust him, no matter what he wanted you to do.
"Okay.. we don't need him."
In an effort to get a bit of information, you and Yukine enlisted the help of Hiyori, who happily offered to help you.
You all now stood in a place that was all but familiar to you.
It was busy one way street, with a simple bland mailbox on the sidewalk.
What does this have to do with anything..?
You asked yourself, but continued to keep quiet, as your question would probably be answered in the near future.
The sound of a sharp smack to the skin snapped you out of thoughts as you searched for its source.
"Ow!! What the hell, Hiyori?!" Yato whined, rubbing his now sore cheek.
"I can't believe you wouldn't help them!! Why are you even here anyways?!" The pink-eyed girl pouted.
"To make sure these two don't sting me to death trying to do something I didn't want them to do." Yato said glaring at the both of you.
"Wait.. why are we here?" You finally voiced out your curiosity, looking at some of the worn down buildings behind you.
"This is where we found Yukine. Right by this mailbox. Poor thing was shivering to death." Yato cooed Yukine, much to his disliking.
Did Yukine die right here..? How?
You had an abundance of questions, but you knew Yato would be stubborn and refuse to answer them.
Yukine was awfully quiet, and he hadn't spoken a single word since you all had gotten here.
"Whats wrong?" You asked him, creasing your eyebrows in concern.
He sighed, and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"This is probably where I died. I don't remember much, but this is most likely the place."
This got you thinking. If Yukine was cold when Hiyori and Yato found him, could that mean... no.. he died from hypothermia? Wouldn't his parents have worried about him? Or some one would have found him by now?
Yato cringed, his hand quickly going to grasp the back of his neck.
Usually he would scold us for blighting him, but this time, he only had a simpathetic look on his face.
"Yato?" Both you and Hiyori asked simultaneously.
He shook his head, ignoring his previous thought.
"Its nothing. We should go get something to eat. I'm starving." He said walking off, with Hiyori in tow.
That was it. It was only a small hunch to go off of, but Yato knew where and how Yukine died.
You and Yukine now stood alone, his mood still in a somber state.
"Hey, Yukine?" You asked him.
"Yeah?" He said, not looking up from the ground.
"Would you be okay with if I bought you a hoodie or something?"
He looked at you, a spark in his eyes.
"Sure.. thanks.. but why?"
You grabbed his hand, and began walking away from the mailbox.
He didn't hesitate or refuse you pulling him away from the supposed place of his death. He just followed along, with no objections.
"I just.. don't want you to be cold, that's all.."

Oh my , I sense a bit of romantic feelings sparking between You and Yukine haha.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It took way too long to get out. The next chapter should be up soon! Love you guys and be sure to vote, comment and favorite! -Drama Typhoon

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