Chapter 10: Regrets

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Your P.O.V:
You, Yato, and Yukine sprinted down a secluded street towards your supposed job.
You were a bit skeptical, as Yato hadn't explained much about it, and the person who called in just claimed to 'need help'.
You couldn't help but think that nothing good would come out of doing this job.
You stopped suddenly, Yato and Yukine leaving you behind.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Yato asked curiously, not stopping too much far ahead of you.
"Don't you think.. something about this job just isn't right..?" You asked, trying to keep up with your breath.
"Well, it wasn't a full on description, but the guy needs help. Why not help him? We haven't had a job in a while." Yato explained.
You were still unsure of the situation, but decided to follow along anyway.
You looked on in disbelief of where this job had led you.
It was in the same area as where Yato had first accquired Yukine. It was an incredibly gloomy place, the old apartments giving off a lonely vibe. Even the rustic old mailbox across the street was barely able to stand.
"Did you know about this?" You asked Yato, furrowing your eyebrows.
Yato shrugged. "In all honesty, no.. "
Yukine looked on, concern reflected in his sunset hues.
"Are you okay with this..?" You asked him softly.
Yukine looked down, shaking his head. "I really don't know.."
You looked at Yukine, worried about how this situation could turn out for him.
"Hey.. maybe.. this may lead to something..?" You suggested, attempting to lift his spirits.
His eyes only lit up a bit.
"Maybe it will.." he said slowly stalking towards the door of the apartment building.
One you were inside the building, you were lead to the door of an aparment labeled 606 on the top floor.
Yato hesiated to knock on the wooden door, his eyes drifting back to you and Yukine every so often.
Eventually, his knuckles tapped three times on the door before he stepped back, allowing the person inside to answer.
After at least ten minutes of waiting, and almost turning away to leave, someone finally opened the door.
Yato assumed his usual 'happy to help' persona.
"Hi, I'm Yato, the reliability god! How can I be of service for you today?" Yato chimed openly.
A man slowly stepped from the concealment of his home.
Your heart almost stopped once you realized this man was all but unfamiliar.
He was heavily built, his light brown eyes wary. He had dirty blonde hair, and his attire gave off the vibe that he hadn't cared for much of anything.
You cautiously looked to Yukine, the same look reflected in his eyes.
This wasn't just any ordinary man. It was the same man in the picture Yukine had obtained from Miyu.
This man was Yukine's father.
Yukine's mouth parted, his eyes widening.
You looked around the man, beer cans and cigarettes littering the apartment floor.
"I need your help cuz' my son's gone missin." His voice was laggy, and it carried the heavy scent of cigarrete smoke.
Yukine froze, his eyes watering up. You grabbed his hand, not planning to let go.
Yato looked at the both of you, his eyes squinting every so often.
"What.. what does your son look like..?" Yato's voice cracked. He was trying his best to keep his composure under control.
"He was a little scrawny boy.. never brushing that hair of his.. always mouthin' off.." The man slurred his words.
That was when you realized that in his hand was half a can of beer.
He was drunk...
You sneered at the man. It had been almost a year since Yukine died, yet this man was just starting to notice that his son was gone.
"What the hell..?" You said out loud, your fingers tensing around Yukine's. The man wouldn't notice you, but you wanted him to. Let him be aware of what he had done.
Yato looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to be quiet. But there was no way you'd let him get away with this.
"And.. when was the last time you saw your son..?" Yato spoke slowly.
"It had to be not too long ago... It was right after I beat im'. And I went to the bar. But I came back, and he wasn't here. Might as well be dead." The man snickered as he finished speaking.
Thats when you lost it.
You gripped you fists, your eyebrows furrowing into lines. You began to breathe heavily, your shoes digging into the floor.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" You screamed at the drunk, still oblivious to your presence.
You stepped forward, thrusting your fist at the man's face, only to be stopped by both Yukine and Yato's hands wrapped roughly around your wrist.
You breathed harshly.
"Let. Me. Go." You growled through your teeth.
Yato hoisted you over his shoulder, leaving you unable to move.
"Yato, put me down now!!" You screamed, pounding your fists on his back.
He turned away, walking away from Yukine and the man.
You struggled with all that your body was allowed, seeing only Yukine and the man, looking at each other face to face.
"What the hell are you doing?! Put me down!!" You screamed, reaching out for Yukine, but unable to reach him.
But Yato only walked further and further away until you couldn't see him anymore. He was silent, not responding to the tantrum you were having, as if he didn't care about what had just happened.
Finally, once you were a far enough distance away, Yato finally put you down on the ground.
You began to sprint back to the apartment, but Yato wrapped his arm around your torso before you could get anywhere.
"Just let me-"
"I can't!" Yato screamed, his voice frightening you.
You stopped struggling against him, looking up at him with fear.
"I'm sorry.. I just can't let you go back." Yato calmed himself, his blue eyes softening.
"Why not..?" You asked him, your body tensing up.
"He needs closure. That man.. he abused Yukine. He beat him to death nearly every day.." Yato said, tears welling up in his eyes.
Your body relaxed, as you looked at him now somberly.
"And one day, after Yukine was beaten, he tried to run away, only to succumb to hypothermia after passing out by a mailbox.." Yato sniffled, tears falling out of his eyes.
You looked down, your chest becoming sore.
"I didn't want him to know that. I didn't want that to follow him around for the rest of his life, because I don't know if he could handle it." Yato covered his eyes, his sobbing becoming louder by the minute.
Without realizing it, you were crying too, tears pooling on the ground below you.
"But.. that man, he took Yukine's life.. he needs some kind of reprocussions.." You said sparsely.
"Yukine deserves to live, and thats his life now. I'm trying to give you both what you didn't have before, and your pasts just linger on forever, no matter how much you deny it. I just.. I want you both to be happy. I want you to forget.." Yato said, pulling you in for an embrace, which surprised you.
Almost instantly though, you felt intense guilt. If you only you had just listened to Yato, you wouldn't have the burden of your past on your shoulder. You didn't feel any better than Yukine's father. Your actions were selfish and needy.
You sobbed into Yato's raven hair, realizing what you'd done. You should've never figured out your past.

So I'll have you all know that I umm..
I cried writing this chapter. Like I sobbed a little bit. And I'm sorry for any feels that I've caused. (〒︿〒) But seriously though, this is not the end of the story, so don't freak out. And I'll try to stop these extremely depressing chapters.
On a happy note, we reached 2k reads!!! I love you all so much! I appreciate all the love you guys give this story, and all the support. Honestly, I never thought a story about an adorable dork named Yukine would get so many reads. Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough. Thank you for reading.
Anyway, next part should be up very soon.
Don't forget to vote, favorite and comment! Love you guys!- Drama Typhoon

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