Chapter 3: Memories

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Quick note before you start the chapter: At a point in this chapter, you will have a younger sister. She will be aged at 7 years old. You can make up whatever traits for her that you like, followed by these inserts:
(S/hc)- sister hair color
(S/hl)- sister hair length
(S/sc)-sister skin color
(S/n)-sister name
And that's all. Enjoy the chapter!

Your P.O.V:
Your feet splashed around in the near still stream. Yet again, you had found yourself at your favorite place, which wasn't very far from where you lived.
"(Y/n)!!" Someone was calling your name and you hesitated before you turned around to see who it was.
Finally deciding upon it, you turned around to see your younger sister, who was shuffling off her tiny flip flops, which she always bragged about.
You didn't mind her presence, though. It was nice to enjoy the beauty of the river with some one else.
She came and sat on your right side, her feet plopping in the stream, which was becoming more flooded with each passing second, as if someone was increasing the water pressure.
"Thats funny, the river has never been this full." You said out loud, standing up, and walking in the middle of the stream.
The water pressure and movement was getting more and more violent, to the point where you had to press your feet into the bottom of the creek.
"(S/n), stay over there by the creek side. This current is pretty strong, and I don't want you getting hurt." You warned your little sister, attempting to balance yourself in the fast paced stream.
She nodded, her (s/hc) pigtails bobbing along with her head movements.
Suddenly, your feet were swept from underneath you, and your entire body was plunged into the water.
"(Y/N)!!!!" You heard a muffled scream through your water plugged ears.
It was your sister's voice.
You rapidly flapped your arms, trying to get on top of the current, but you couldn't. All that your body was allowed was to be moved further and further down stream, and no air.
Her blurred image of a tiny figure frantically screaming at the edge was falling further and further away from you.
You could no longer see your sister anymore, only a bundle of bubbles.
You tried with all your body allowed you, frantically kicking your arms and legs to the point of exhaustion, but you just couldn't get to the surface. It seemed impossible.
The sound of your sister's voice faded into the sound of rushing water.
You desperately wanted air, but it wouldn't be given to you.
Your throat began to fill with water, which was beginning to choke off what was left of your air supply.
Darkness started to surround your vision, as your hands weakly grasped different masses of water.
You were only fourteen, yet you were feeling what it felt like to die. It didn't dawn on you that you'd never see any of your family or friends again, including your sister, who was left with no way to save you.
You just couldn't understand. Why you? Why now? Why did a person who wanted to live have to die against their own will?
And here you were, fighting with all you had to survive. But it wasn't enough. It never would be.
So quickly, the beautiful stream had become a mass killer, in a matter of minutes.
Your eyes were being swallowed by darkness, the last thing you saw was what you swore to be your sister's flip flop, casually floating beside you.
You were woken up by your own scream, which echoed against the plastered walls in your room.
Something hugged against you, and told you to calm down.
Your body was quaking in fear, as you had to grip the sheets to keep yourself in some sort of control.
"(Y/n), it's fine.. just calm down. I'm right here with you."
The voice sounded awfully familiar, and you weren't surprised to see who it belonged to.
"Y-yukine..?" Your voice stuttered, as you were still shooken up by your nightmare.
You turned to face him, as his body was tightly snuggled against yours underneath your covers.
He looked up, and his face rocketed into a blush once he saw that you were awake.
His arms quickly left you, as he shuffled out of your bed, and swiftly stood up.
You sat up, resting your back against the wall.
"S-sorry.. You just started up screaming, and I didn't know what to do.. I-"
You cut him off, shaking your head.
"Its fine, just a bad dream, that's all."
"Oh alright.. well I'm gonna go back to bed now.." he said shuffling his golden hair, before turning to walk over to his bed across the room.
You were currently staying with Kofuku Ebisu, Yato's ally. He had instructed you and Yukine to sleep in a room up in her attic, with two small matresses.
"Yukine?" You nervously called him as your cheeks warmed up at the thought of what you were about to do.
"Yeah?" He asked, turning around once again, his sunset hues meeting yours, causing your cheeks to burn even more.
"Will..Will you stay with me?" You nervously asked him, as you brushed your hair behind your ear.
His mouth fell slightly open, as his cheeks also lit up with a red glow against his pale skin.
"Yeah, I'll stay with you." He said walking back over to your bed, and climbing back in with you.
You turned to face the wall, Yukine facing behind you.
His presence calmed you down, and you couldn't explain why. Just being around Yukine made you comfortable.
Without you even asking, he wrapped his arms around you just as he had before.
You didn't blush, or even ask him what he had done that for. You just lightly held onto them, glad that he was there with you.
"Awee, look! They're snuggling!!" Both Hiyori and Kofuku cooed you and a snuggled Yukine.
Yato rolled his eyes in the corner, and shook you and Yukine awake.
Your P.O.V:
Something was constantly shaking you, which woke you up.
You groaned, and opened your eyes to see a wide eyed Yukine, and the audience of Kofuku, Yato, and Hiyori.
You quickly pushed Yukine out of the bed, which landed him on the floor.
You stood up, brushing off your pajamas.
"I promise we didn't do anything!!" You pleaded to Yato, who was smirking.
"Believe me, I would've felt it if you did. Anyways, Daikoku has breakfast ready downstairs, and we got called in for a job, so hurry up and get dressed." Yato explained, as he grabbed Hiyori and Kofuku and pulled them downstairs.
As soon as you heard the door closed at the bottom of the stairs, you turned to Yukine.
"Sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?" You asked Yukine as he was still on the floor.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said standing up, and rubbing his butt.
"Listen..I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to force you into bed with me or anything... I just.. I needed something to calm me down, and you seem to be able to.." You apologized to him, nervously twirling a (h/c) lock around your finger.
"Its fine, (Y/n). I uh.. I wanted to make sure you were okay. What was your nightmare about anyway? You never told me." Yukine stretched his arms out far behind his back.
The dream.
And soon as you were reminded of it, your heart strings were tugged.
My sister.
You froze, your knees giving out, as you fell to the ground.
The river.
Your favorite place was also the last place you were alive.
Two weak streams of tears fell down your face.
"(Y/n)?! What's wrong?!" Yukine quickly fell to your side, concerned about what was happening to you.
Through your sniffles, you were barely able to make out a word.
"Yukine, I know how I died."

Sooooo wow. That was a long chapter. For me at least. And a lot happened, including some insight on your past. How did you guys enjoy this chapter? Was it good, terrible? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to favorite and vote! Love you guys!! -Drama Typhoon

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