Chapter 6: The Photo

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Your P.O.V:
"I knew it!!" Kofuku screamed while jumping around, much to your annoyance.
"I knew you and Yukki-chan were gonna get togetthherr!" The pink haired girl teased as if she was a child.
You rolled your eyes, and continued to wash the load of dishes in the sink.
You decided that like Yukine, you would work for your own funds since Yato wasn't proving to be very much of help.
"We're not exactly together, you know." You said quietly, drawing much emphasis on the word together.
"What do you mean? Yatty told me all about it! You said you loved him and Yukine kissed you!!" Kofuku excitedly chanted.
You froze at that thought, dropping the dish you were washing in the sink, almost causing it to shatter.
"How the hell did Yato know that? He wasn't there." You asked calmly.
"Gods share mind and body with their regalia, remember? That means Yatty-chan gets all the love you and Yukine give each other!" Kofuku reminded you, her violet irises enlarging as she spoke.
You sighed, annoyed by that fact as you couldn't get away from it, but that also meant that your relationship could possibly hurt Yato. You left the last dish in the sink, took off your apron, and hung it up.
"Where are you going, (Y/n)?" Kofuku asked, mispronouncing your name as usual.
"To talk to Yato. Tell Daikoku he doesn't need to pay me." You said quickly, before closing the door behind you.

You opened the door to Hiyori's house, one hundred percent sure that Yato was there.
"Oh hey, (Y/n). Whats up?" Hiyori asked, as you met with her in the foyer.
"Sorry I kinda just walked in.. I uh.. needed to talk to Yato. Is he here?" You asked with guilt, as you did just rudely barge into Hiyori's home without asking.
She sighed, and pointed her thumb to the kitchen across from where she was sitting.
You looked over to see Yato chowing down on the contents of Hiyori's kitchen.
You rolled your eyes, and thanked Hiyori before walking over to him.
"Um.. Yato?" You asked, careful not to disturb him.
He looked up from his meal, and grinned with a dumbfounded look.
"What is it, my faithful regalia?" He jokingly said inbetween bites.
"I need to talk to you about something.. and its important.." you said nervously twirling your hair.
He must've caught on, because he pushed his food away, and sat as if he was ready to listen.
"Its.. its about me and Yukine. Us being.. together." You said quietly, Hiyori turning her head to listen in.
"What about you two?" He asked, his eyes suspicious of where this conversation was going.
"If we're together, won't we... blight you?" You said, your heart being choked up at the word blight.
Yato shook his head, almost snickering a little.
"You're in love. The only way you'll hurt me is if you bring lust into it. This is why I told you to tell Yukine how you feel." Yato said obviously, returning back to his buffett.
You breathed a sigh of relief, happy that you and Yukine's relationship wouldn't conflict with Yato's well being.
Speaking of, where was Yukine?
You sat down on a bar stool next to Yato.
"Do you guys know where Yukine is..?" You questioned the two, the only response from the both of them was a head shaking no.
"We thought he was working at Kofuku's with you. He left bright and early this morning." Hiyori explained while flipping through channels on her T.V.
You suddenly became worried. Yukine wouldn't just leave without saying anything.. would he?
"I'm going to find him," you said sternly, standing up from the barstool, and running out, slamming the door behind you.
Hiyori glared at Yato, and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Aren't you going to help her? He is your regalia after all."
Yato continued slurrping up noodles.
"Yukine is fine. Besides, he's got a girlfriend to protect him now."
Yukine's P.O.V:
I admired the (f/c) scarf I'd gotten for (Y/n). Every stitching in it was perfect, and it felt silky to the touch. I'd gotten up at sunrise this morning to get it, as the only merchant that sold these scarves was way across town.
It felt right to get her something, after all she'd done for me.. and it was another little way to show her how I felt about her.
Interrupting my thoughts was the high pitched sounds of a crying little girl. She had short bob length blonde hair, and eyes that seemed to be a color that was similar to mine.
I stopped in the midst of my walk, as she stared at me for a split second before looking away.
....Could she see me..?
I squinted my eyes to make out what she was holding in her hands.
It seemed to be a photo of some sort, but still.. why was she out here all alone with it?
"Miyu! What are you doing out here all alone?! And why are you crying?!" A woman walked up to her and asked, presumably her mother, who looked just like the girl but with mid back length blonde hair.
"I...I miss him, mommy.." she managed to cough out before bursting into tears again.
The mother had a somber look, as if she was about to cry along with her daughter.
"Oh... Miyu.." she quietly said before taking her daughter's hand and walking away.
Something that gleamed where the girl sat caught my eye.
The picture..
I ran over to pick it up, prepared to return it. I held it in my hands, my mind denying the truth presented right in front of me.
My eyes widened when I saw the people on it, my hands shaking to the point where I could barely hold the picture.
Standing on the picture was the woman I'd just seen, a man, the little girl named Miyu, and... me..?
There was no doubt. Me standing there with a family that took on features just like mine.
This.. this couldn't be right.. could it..?
But it was right. There I was, standing along with my family, my mother, my father, and my little sister Miyu.
And I was happy.. I was smiling.. I was alive.

Okay guys, number 1. Sorry for taking so long to update! But good news! I took my AP Human Geo Exam, and I should get the results of that exam in July! Thanks to all of you who gave support!
Number 2. Sooo idk what Yukine's sister's real name is because it hasn't been made canon yet, but when it is I'll change it from Miyu.
Number 3. I want to start updating this story once a week, so I want you guys to vote on which day would be the best for you in the comments, and I'll choose it starting next week!
Number 4. Guys wtf. Over 630 reads!! I'm speechless! I love you guys so much!! Thank you for reading!!
Number 5. Did you guys enjoy this chapter? Love it? Hate it? Let me know! Please comment, vote, and favorite! Love you guys!!- Drama Typhoon <3
(btw this is probably my favorite chapter so far. ( ^ω^). )

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