Why hornstromp sucks!

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Today i will tell you why hornstromp sucks and here's why:

1. Its a content farm channel that will make videos just for the money.

2. Because of the content, Gooseworx replied to them. watch this video here

3. The videos. What the heck is this?

 What the heck is this?

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4. the bad voice actors. Lets all agree that the voic acting is terrible. But Jax's voice is Funny as hell. "HeY pOnNy WiLl YoU mArRy Me😍" NO! Wanna know why? because that would never happen in the show!

And Gangles voice- "My comedy mask is brocken 😭💔"


Btw the new chapter of my another story "Gangle's depression" coming today right now! 

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