Chapter 13: The Night of the Full Moon

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Gray POV

The day, that assassin was talking about, is almost here. I have been training my soliders more often than usually. I have also been train long and hard myself as well. Who is this leader I am fighting?

I stood up and walked towards my closet, not really looking for a specific thing.

Should I wear the same black cape I wore on the mission? Its been so long since I actually went to the battlefield and giving it all I've got. This assasin will never win.

I threw on the cape and rushed out the door. " Go saddle my horse. Im leaving tonight " I yelled.

" Yes sir, " someone whispered.

I ran down to where the blacksmiths work grab the sword that (name) gave me. I looked at it and saw my reflection so cearly in the blade.
" That sword is a beauty, " a blacksmith said to me, " though the blade isnt well usen and was still sharp. We sharpened it up to the max. This sword also has its secrets, your majesty. The basic meterial the sword was made out of is supposed to be used only to construct double edged swords. From just looking at the appereance of the sword, it looks nothing like a double edged sword but this one is. Please have a successful fight, your majesty! " he said as he bowed down and got back to work.

Double-edged sword huh. This was the death sword (name) gave me wasnt it. I thought to myself as I walked towards the gate of my castel.

" Your horse is ready, " one of my servents said to me

I nodded and headed over to right side of the gate. I climbed onto my horse as they wished me luck.

" We will win for the pride of our country! " I yelled as I parted away from them.

The trip there was long and hard. I knew I had to be ready to face the enemy at anytime but I couldnt help wondering who it was. I keep thinking its (name), eventhough I know she is long gone. I pulled my hood over my head to pretect my identity and being spotted.

After ridding on my horse for 3 straight days and nights. I have finally reached the battlefield early in the morning. From a distance, I saw a black figure sitting upon a tree in complete silence. The moon hasnt rose yet and I want to play fair. Therefore, I never attempted to attack her in broad daylight.

From the distance we were at, I could feel a very powerful vibe coming off of that assassin. I wasnt sure if it was just magic or if from her being so physically powerful.

It was almost night fall. We have both got plenty of rest and a last minute touch-up. We were both standing in position, quietly waitung for the full moon to rise.

" The full moon will rise in a short time, " she annouced, " May the strongest win. The battle will soon begin! "

From where I was standing, it didnt look like she had any weapons in her hands at the momment. Was she crazy? Is she even taking this fight seriously? How can she be so confident in herself?

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